The corner of her mouth kicked up. “That sounds really nice.”

“Then tell you what, just this once, you get to pick the music.” I unlocked my phone and passed it over. Frankie put her coffee into one of the cup holders before cradling my phone like I’d handed her the holy grail.

“You mean it? I really, really get to pick the music?”

Yeah, give me shit. That was what I wanted to hear. “You better pick it fast before I change my mind.”

She snorted, and I hid a grin as I took the next turn and angled for the lake. At the next light, I’d text Jeremy, until then—the first song that blared out of the speakers had me groaning.

“Seriously?” Her laughter was worth every ounce of my pain at that damn hamster song. No, LMFAO didn’t record a hamster song, but since it was used in all of those commercials, she’d played them to death on YouTube.

“You said I could pick the music.” She held up my phone, but I didn’t have to look to know she’d hit the Frankie’s playlist on my music app. “Also, this is beyond adorable that you’ve got all my favorites on here.”

“Adorable, yep. Totally scoring the boyfriend points.”

Another laugh, and she handed me the phone back. With her right arm still in a splint and wrapped to stabilize her wrist, she was doing almost everything one-handed.

When she started singing along though, I relaxed a little more. I was sorry the other guys weren’t here for this, but daily drives where she could just relax and sing were now officially added to my to do list.

We made it back to the apartment about five minutes ahead of Jeremy. The coffee was done, and Frankie was tired and aching, but she seemed a little more settled.

“I think I want to try and take a shower.” But she eyed her wrist.

“If you can wait a few, I’ll help.” Jake had helped her with the first, she couldn’t get the splint wet, so we wrapped it in a plastic bag, but Frankie had a lot of hair.

“I hate that I have to ask for help.”

No kidding. “You’re not asking,” I reminded her. “I’m offering.”

At her sigh, I backed off a little.

“We could run a bath.” It wasn’t much of a concession, but she didn’t need me if she wanted to just sit in the tub.

“Hard to wash my hair there.”

“I know. Look, I get that it’s not something you want to ask me to do,” I told her. “But getting to look at you naked is definitely something I like doing. So, win win?”

It was a gamble. I didn’t want to push anything. In fact, I wanted to maintain a healthy distance from anything that made her uncomfortable. The fact that she still wanted our hugs and didn’t retreat, even when she grew a little distant at times, was a godsend.

I wasn’t trading that away for some cheap laugh.

“True,” she said slowly, and I let out a breath. “I’d get to see you naked, too.”

“No, I’m sorry, that will cost you extra.”

She made a little sound of outrage, but before she could say anything, there was a knock at the backdoor.

“Hold that thought,” I said with a grin. “Jeremy’s here.”

The little growl she released tickled me, but I kept that to myself as I opened the door. Jeremy stood there with a duffle bag in one hand and a large dinner box in the other.

“More in the car?” I asked him as I grabbed the duffle.

“I can go get it, Mr. Archie,” he informed me primly before handing me the first dinner box.

I’d argue with him, but I was pretty sure that in almost eighteen years, I’d never won an argument with him.

“Yes, sir, I’ll get my laundry.” I set the first dinner box on the table and then carried the duffle deeper into the apartment. Frankie eyed the bag, then me. “Clean clothes. And he asked for our laundry, so I’m throwing all your stuff in with mine.”