Gets me extra cash.

Coop: …

Jake: Yes, you need a car.

Archie: Yeah, you need a car.

Coop: *sigh*

Jake: Talk to Frankie…

Coop: She hates people driving

her car.

Archie: She really does.

Jake: Talk to your mom.

Birthday is this week.

Coop: *sigh*

Jake: Sorry man, I’d let you

use mine, but already busy.

Archie: I can loan you one.

Coop: What?

Archie: We have like ten cars here.

I’ll look, but you can borrow one of these.

Jake: Nice.

Archie: At least ‘til you get one.

Coop: …

Jake: You just don’t want to pick him up


Archie: LOL. Even playing field.

Coop: Thanks. It’s weird. But

seriously, thanks.

Jake: I’ll grab you after she goes to

work. We can take homework to


Archie: Meet you there. Can