wait, the worse this is.

Bubba: Don’t you think I know that?

Coop: Not sure you do.

Bubba: I thought you understood

Coop: I do. I don’t agree. But

I understand. She doesn’t.

Bubba: I promised to talk to her today.

Coop: Arch is getting pissy.

Bubba: I noticed.

Coop: Jake doesn’t get it either

Bubba: No shit.

Coop: Ever think you’re overreacting?

Bubba: No.

Bubba: Look, they’ve always been the

type to just take what they want. But what

they want is going to end up hurting her. In no

world does this end well for her.

Coop: You don’t know that.


Bubba: I know she’s more important

than a casual thing.

Look what’s already happened…

Coop: I have. She needs us.

Bubba: I’m not walking away.

Coop: It looks like you are.

Bubba: What happened to

you understanding?

Coop: Like I said, I get it.

But it also looks like you are.

Throw in the thing this morning?