Dazed, I stared at her. “But I’m not studying law. Or…government.” Well I was, but only the requirement.

“No, but you’re a gifted linguist and translators are always in demand. You’re very savvy and you’re a skilled writer. You can learn the other stuff, but this type of internship is also going to reflect well on your college applications, and I got the notice of your apps going in and I’m writing my recommendations this weekend.”

My stomach bottomed out as my heart slammed against my ribs. This was a lot.

“I plan on mentioning you’re a finalist in this.”

“Wow… I still don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t have say anything, I’m thrilled for you. The only thing you’re going to need is to get your mother to sign permission for you to attend the seminars so we can adjust your schedule and everything else is covered. There’s no expense.”

She was so utterly thrilled for me, I couldn’t wreck it, even as she put a nail in the coffin of the plan. Mr. Wittaker said it could take months to sort out the emancipation. If I wanted to do this, I’d have to ask Mom or give it up.

“Tell you what, I know this is a crazy weekend. So you think about it, I’ll send copies of this over to your school email. Read up and then talk to me next week with your questions, okay?”

“Sure… Thank you, Ms. Farjardo.”

Her smile grew. “You’re very welcome, Frankie. You’re a talented student and I can’t wait to see what you do.”

It was an amazing opportunity. But at least one day a week? I’d be doubling up my workload, and I’d have to compensate with my hours at Mason’s, not to mention the guys. Coop was waiting for me when I came out, and he studied me.

“Good news? Bad news?”

“I don’t know what to do with it news,” I admitted. On one level, it was awesome, and on another, it was gut wrenching. Without Mom’s approval, I’d have to turn it down, disappointing my teachers who’d done this for me.

“Tell me?” Coop invited as we headed down to the doors for the parking lot.

I did, even if I had to repeat it when we got to the car.

The stunned look he wore matched how I felt. “That’s really awesome, but your mom has to sign off on it?”

“Yeah,” I admitted. I could ask her. What was the worst thing she’d say? No? “But I don’t want to ask her.”

“We’ll figure something out,” Coop said with such firm and steady faith, I almost believed him.

“Or maybe we won’t.”

“Nope,” he said. “We will. You watch.”

I laughed. He grinned.

“Much better,” he said. “Chin up, keep smiling. We’ve got this.”

No, we didn’t. But I had him, and the others were already in Jake’s SUV waiting, even if Archie was hanging out of the back passenger side window like a corpse.

“He died of hunger,” Ian explained in a dry tone as we got close, and I chuckled again.

I had all of them.

Well…most anyway.

Chapter Nineteen

The Heart Brings You Back

Awareness drifted in as warmth settled in behind me and wrapped an arm around my middle. The light press of a kiss below my ear made me smile.

“Morning,” I mumbled, and Coop chuckled.