Two wolf whistles followed me, and then I cracked up. Their laughter followed, and I was still grinning when I got into the bathroom and shut the door. It was already warm and steamy from Archie’s shower, or maybe that was just me.

As I ducked under the water, it hit me. I’d just come apart in Archie’s arms, and not twenty minutes later, Coop made me come again and Archie had watched some of it.


Chapter Fifteen

Don’t Take Me For Granted


The minute the shower came on, I rolled off the bed that smelled like sex and Frankie to stare at Archie. Thankfully, he’d covered his naked ass and had his shorts halfway on.

“Why was she crying?”

The red-rimmed eyes would have been a tip-off, but there was just a bit of swelling also around her eyes and the faintest tear tracks on her face. The minute I’d seen them, all I wanted to do was chase away whatever pain put them there.

Didn’t think it was Archie, she’d been damn near boneless before I kissed her, and wet and warm…fuck, she’d been warm and soft. My cock was going to have a zipper imprint against it if I didn’t get my own hard-on under control. Having her come apart for me would never get old. It had been a couple of weeks.

I wasn’t in a hurry—we had time, and I planned to savor it. Part of why I understood where Bubba was coming from. Unlike him, I had no hang-ups about Archie or Jake being far more enthusiastic partners. As long as she had a good time, it was fine with me.

But the crying?

Hell no.

“Fuck,” Archie said, buttoning his shorts before he ran a hand through his damp hair. He glanced at the door and listened. “We gotta feed the cats.”

“Right.” I stood, and Tiddles streaked out of the room. I swore those little furballs had sixth sense. They hadn’t followed Frankie.

Or maybe they just understood English.


I had the can open and three excited cats at my feet as I said, “Well? Why the was she crying?” It had to be her mother. We hadn’t heard from Archie or Frankie after he said he was going DND.

“Edward moved her out.”

Wait. “What? He moved…” The reality of it crashed in on me. “Hermothermoved out?”

I couldn’t stand the woman. There had always been something sketchy about her. Even when my mother told me to show her respect, ‘cause you know, adult and all that, I’d done my best to avoid her and still be there for Frankie. Considering how crappy she treated Frankie? I wasn’t all that sorry to hear she’d moved out, except…

“What the fuck is Frankie supposed to do?”

“Pretty sure it’s a play to make her move in with them,” Archie said as he folded his arms. Leaning back, he glanced toward the hall leading to the bathroom. The shower was still on. “Edward pushed the car thing again. Told her he’d have his assistant get her the address. They packed up her mom’s things while she was at work. There’s not even a note.”

“What a bitch.”

“My thoughts exactly.”

“But Frankie is already working her ass off…”

“Don’t worry about this place. I’m going by the office and paying the rent for the rest of the school year. Stay or go, whatever she wants, she’s not losing her apartment.”

Sometimes, it was easy to forget that Archie was loaded, and then he said things like that.

“If her mom comes back?”

“I’m considering getting the locks changed, too. But I might need to ease her into that. This really fucking hurt her.” The dislike in his voice was so thick, I could damn near feel it pulsate.