“Okay, hit me.” No hesitation, not even a wince.

“I’d really rather not, I actually think I could hurt you at the moment.”

He chuckled and wrapped his hand on my nape before dragging me in for a kiss. “You remain, adorably, the worst.”

I snorted and grinned.

“Now ask your question.”

“Are the points why you and Maria broke up?”

He sighed. “Yes and no.”

“Well, that just cleared it right up for me.” I crossed my eyes, but he massaged the back of my neck, and I let out a little sigh. That felt really good.

“Yes,” he continued. “Miss Impatience, she found out about the points and was well and truly humiliated.” He didn’t sound proud of the fact. “Particularly when she assumed that the points were the only reason I was dating her.”

“But they weren’t?”

“No. They were part of it, I won’t lie. But at one point, I thought she was cool. Easy enough to be around. When she found out about the points, we fought. Well…she fought. I just didn’t care enough to explain it.”

“Or apologize?” It was a guess.

He nodded slowly.

“She was—pretty pissed.”

“I can imagine,” I said with a sigh.

“Look, baby girl. I’m not a perfect guy, and to be perfectly frank, I was a jackass to her. She didn’t deserve it. The day I went to see her about the photos Sharon put up, I told her I was sorry.”

I studied him. “She didn’t believe you.”

“No,” he admitted. “She was pretty sure I was only apologizing because I wanted her help.”

“Which you were.”

He grimaced. “Yes.”

As hard and as ugly as it was, he didn’t hesitate to own any of it.

“You said you had stuff on them.” Apparently I had two questions.

“I did.”

“Photos or points?”


I groaned.

“Please don’t hate me,” Jake asked in a soft voice, and I pressed my face to his throat.

“I don’t hate you,” I promised him. Was I disappointed? Yeah. Did I feel bad for the girls in question? Hell yes. But…no, no buts. I couldn’t excuse it.

“But you’re sad now.”

“It’s…it was a terrible thing, Jake.” Lifting my head, I started to sit up, but he kept me caged close. “Tell me you see that.”