“Thank you for not hitting me in the balls,” he grunted, but his eyes danced. “And sorry, you were lost in thought and so damn delicious looking, even when you didn’t notice me in the bathroom door.”

I groaned.

A knock on the connecting door preceded the jiggling of the handle. “You okay in there?” Coop called.

“I’m fine,” I answered. “Archie left a big jerk in the middle of the floor.”

“Wounded,” the guy in question chuckled. “So wounded.” He swiped at an imaginary tear and then grinned harder when I flipped him off.


“Sometimes,” he agreed, just like he had earlier. “Sometimes.” He tipped his head to the side. Dressed only in his swim trunks, he looked positively edible. “Please don’t stop changing on my account.”

“You sure you’re all right?” Coop asked again, his tone exceptionally dry. “And I thought the big jerk was down by the pool.”

“You thought wrong!”

“Ha,” Coop bellowed. “You snuck in there to startle Frankie.”

“Lies,” Archie answered with a smirk. “All lies.”

We could be up here all day at this rate, so I stripped off my shirt, then my bra and reached for the bikini top. Archie gave me two thumbs up before he reached out a hand. When I smacked his fingers, he cracked up all over again.

“Lookie, no touchie,” I scolded, and that just set him off in another fit.

When I slid out of Jake’s boxers, I kept my gaze on him, and it was delightful to see the heat in his eyes. Even more, the pout when I pulled on the bikini bottoms.

“Fuck, I’m giving you a pair of mine.” He crossed over to his dresser and opened it. Then he pulled out a pair of dark boxers and held them up. “You have a preference on color?”

I laughed. “You’re making it weird.”

“Says the girl who wore another guy’s boxers and turned me on by standing in my room in them.”

“You weren’t supposed to see them,” I pointed out, though I was a little warm from the way he kept raking his gaze over me.

“Getting girls to say yes, it was a game. A game we could all do and we got really good at it.”

Ian’s words whispered in my ear, and I straightened, turning away long enough to fold up my clothes.

“Hey,” Archie said. “I was just teasing.”

“I know.” The words would probably sound a lot more convincing if that little niggle of doubt wasn’t doing a version of a stomp dance on my good mood. “You pick out the boxers, but I’m not telling you when I’m going to wear them.”

“Oh, that’s cold,” he said slowly. “And a little mean.”

“Take it or leave it,” I offered before reclaiming my phone and meeting his gaze. See, I didn’t always say yes.

“I’ll definitely take it.” He pulled out a dark blue pair that he’d worn on our first night together. “These.” When he dangled them, I had to take a couple of steps to get them from him. Even expecting it, I still laughed when he tugged me closer and then wrapped an arm around me a heartbeat before he kissed me.

The light nip of his teeth stung my lower lip before he laved his tongue over it, and I sighed against his mouth. Coop knocked and said, “You’ve hogged her long enough. Let’s go, it’s time to share Frankie.”

Archie groaned against my mouth, even as a light shiver skated up my spine. We dragged the kiss out for another ten seconds, and I wasn’t the only one panting when he lifted his head.

“Better. Ready to be shared?”

That sounded so much dirtier when he said it.

“And if I’m not?” I challenged.