“If you want to get something dyed to match the dress, you’re going to need to order them soon.”

“Cool, well I’ll check the places she gave me…” I could do that later today or tomorrow, I guessed. Did Ian and I still have our standing homework date for tomorrow? I really had no idea.

“Call me,” Rachel said as she glanced to her right, and I followed her look to see Jake striding toward us. “I love the dress,” she said passing the phone back. “Seriously, you’re going to look fantastic.”

“Thanks, Rach.”

“Anytime.” She gave my shoulder a squeeze and then headed away. Coop and Archie weren’t chuckling anymore. If anything, Archie’s frown grew as he stared to where Jake was.

“Bitch,” Jake said almost conversationally as he passed Rachel.

“Dickhead,” she replied with a smile, then glanced back at me as she kept walking with a finger pointed to her smile likesee, I was polite.

I groaned and shook my head, even as I laughed.

What was I going to do with them?

“Hey,” Jake said, claiming the chair Rachel abandoned and reaching for his coffee.

“No Bubba?” Good thing Archie asked, because I wasn’t going to. Not after he promised he would talk to me today.

We had a lot of hours left in today.

“He got waylaid by Coach,” Jake said, but it was the worried frown he shot me that had me suddenly wary.

“Is he in trouble?”

“No, not exactly. He’ll be here as soon as he can,” Jake said, but he needn’t have bothered. There was Ian walking through the doors with Patty and Sharon framing him as they chattered away.

Waylaid by Coach?

“I need to go get some stuff done for class,” I said as I picked up my coffee. “I want to get ahead this week. I’ll see you guys later.”

I really didn’t want to have this conversation or supposition or anything. Ian hadn’t glanced toward us once.

His whole focus was on them.

Wow. That hurt way more than I expected.

I was halfway down the hall before Archie caught up to me. “It may be nothing,” he cautioned.

“Yep,” I said. “It may absolutely be nothing. But I really do have homework.”

Thankfully, he didn’t keep pressing the point.

I wouldn’t borrow trouble. Ian said he’d speak to metoday.

Lots of hours left in today.


Somewhere a Clock is Ticking

Archie: I don’t know what’s going on with you. But get your shit together. You’re better than this.

Bubba: Long story.

Archie: ?