Every single engine revved at the affection pouring off these guys, and from behind me, came Coop’s soft curse and Jake’s exhaledfuck…

Melting into Archie’s hold, I groaned as he eased back. Shivers eddied through me as the want from earlier intensified. “Good morning kisses are definitely the way to go,” he said, then pressed another kiss to my nose. “Go shower. Coffee and food will be waiting for you.”

I took a good long look at him. He’d showered and shaved from how soft his cheeks were, and his dark brown eyes gleamed. Despite it all, Archie looked happy.

“Everything good with you?” I checked, smoothing my hands over his shirt. He’d gone home because his mother was in town, and he just wanted to keep an eye on her. Apparently, his dad hadn’t bothered to inform him of his move, not that Archie was surprised.

‘Eddie’ was such a dick.

He treated his son like crap.

Muriel didn’t seem much better, but Archie wasn’t sure what she knew or didn’t. Jeremy had been tight-lipped on the subject, but then, Jeremy protected all their secrets. So Archie respected the stance he’d taken, even if he’d complained to me privately.

“She was on the phone with friends. They’re planning a cruise so, yes, everything is about to be great.” He gave me another kiss. “Soon as she’s gone, you and me, slumber party.”

I doubted we’d get much sleep at said party, but no complaints from me. I hugged him. “I’ll just be a few minutes.”

“Take your time,” he murmured, giving me a squeeze.

I both wanted the shower and I didn’t want to leave them in the same breath. We’d always been close, but they were so far under my skin at this point, I didn’t even mind that they’d gone out of their way to try and make sure I wasn’t alone.

The rides to school. Walking between classes. Sleepovers. Lock changes. Text messages.

Inside the bathroom, I closed the door.


Lots of sex.

The weird part was you’d think as often as I got to have it, I wouldn’t actively be sitting there wanting more. But we’d been too tired the night before and now?

I had to go all day.

Closing my eyes, I leaned against the wood and concentrated on taking slow, deep breaths. It was such a long way until tonight.

With that thought in mind, I made it a cold shower.

They sucked.

But it did the trick, at least until I came out and found all three of them in the kitchen, Jake and Coop shirtless as they drank their coffee, and Archie looking like he would be right at home in a magazine.

Yep. Cold shower effort wasted.

“I’m gonna run home and shower there,” Coop told me as he gave me a kiss. “Grab some clean clothes, and I’ll be back.”

“Ha,” Jake said. “I brought a bag.” He gave me another kiss on his way past.

“Muwhahahaha,” Archie intoned rubbing his hands together. “Now I get you all to myself.”

I giggled as he rose and pulled out a chair.

“I also brought you a surprise.” The first thing was a plate he pulled out of the oven—Jeremy’s French toast. Powdered sugar was in a small container and he had heated syrup. “Since you won’t come to his French toast, he sent his French toast to you.”

Delight curved through me.

Then he set a box down next.

“Archie, what did I say about presents?”