
Frankie: Hey, sorry, was in the shower

Ian: That’s what Jake said.

Frankie: What’s up?

Ian: Think you could listen to a song?

Frankie: …

Ian: It’s okay if you can’t.

Frankie:… I can listen. I’ve always


Ian: Thank you. Sending.

Frankie: It might be tmrw, is that cool?

Ian: When you can.

Frankie: Got it. Is it for audition?

Ian: No, I sent those already.

You saved me with those.

This is for you.

Frankie: …

Ian:Night, F. Sleep well.

Chapter Eighteen

What Are You Willing to Lose?

“So,” Rachel said, ignoring the guys as she dragged a chair over and slid into the narrow space between me and Coop. “Tomorrow…we need a plan.”

With a roll of his eyes, Coop scooted over, and I grinned. Jake stared at Rachel like she’d sprouted a second head, but Archie just groaned and sank down in his own chair. None of them really liked Rachel and they wouldn’t pretend otherwise, but they also hadn’t been complaining about her at all over the last few days as she made excuses to drop by our table most mornings.

Ian didn’t react either way; he just took a drink of his coffee and studied us. He’d been stealing looks at me since Jake, Coop, and I got here. What he hadn’t asked was had I listened to the song he sent me the night before.

For now, I focused on Rachel. “I have a plan. Marsha made an appointment for me to get my hair and makeup done.”

“And I got us mani/pedis lined up,” Cheryl announced as she dragged a chair over to join us. With a sigh, Jake kicked his chair out and moved over to sit on the other side of the table next to Ian.

“What time are we picking you up?” Cheryl said. “And you should bring your dress and everything, we’ll all get ready together, and then Bubba can pick you up. Wait…you got a limo, right? If not, I’m sure Mitch won’t mind, and then we could all go together…”