talk to her and I’m worried.

Coop: It’s been almost a week

since her mom moved out and

the shrew hasn’t said a word to her.

How do you think she is?

Bubba: I haven’t told my dad.

Coop: Good. Don’t. We’re rotating who

stays so she isn’t alone.

Bubba: Archie said he covered her rent.

Coop: Yeah, he’s gonna tell her that

after Homecoming.

Bubba: I’ll be there for Homecoming.

Should I get myself there or join you guys in the limo?

Coop: Excellent. I’d say limo, BUT

we’ll talk to the guys first.

I want Frankie comfortable.


Ian: Hey F. Got a sec?

Jake:She’s in the shower.

Bubba: Thanks.

Jake: Everything okay?

Bubba: Hope so.

Jake: Cool. Crashing soon.

Bubba: Friday’s gonna be a bitch.

Jake: LOL at least we’re

both playing

Bubba: Coach didn’t have much of

a choice.

Jake: No complaints here. 3

weeks out is enough for me.