“Just curious.” But he looked enormously pleased. Another kiss. “Your turn.”

Running my hands down his back, I mirrored his earlier move and eased them under his t-shirt. The first brush of my fingers against the sinewy layer of muscle there had him giving me a lazier smile.

“Let me save you a dare,” he said, pushing up with his arms, then holding himself up with one before he tugged his shirt up, and over. When he descended again, it was all hot, bare skin, and I clenched my thighs to his hips. “Before you ask,” he stared at me steadily, his gaze fixed to mine. “Dare.”

A thrill skated through me, even as he settled his chest to mine. What did I want?


I pretty much wanted everything. Maybe I was being greedy. Really, no maybe about it. Still…

“Cat got your tongue?” Coop asked, but kissed me as soon as I opened my mouth to reply. He chased my tongue lightly with his, and then when I dared follow it back to his mouth, he sucked against it again, and the hard pull sent liquid heat unfurling everywhere. “No,” he murmured, letting up for a split-second. “I have your tongue.”

Another kiss, and he had his hand in my hair, tilting my head so our mouths were slanted. The slow grind of his hips pushed the heavy weight of his erection right against my panties. Digging my fingers into his back, I slid them down to his shorts. Why did he have so many clothes on?

“Uh-uh,” he whispered, catching one of my hands and pulling it away. “You still haven’t given me my dare.”

Then the ass locked his lips around one of my nipples, right through the tank top. The liquid heat ignited, and I dug my fingers into his hair as my back arched. Pinned to the bed, I couldn’t move him, but I really didn’t want to.

“What?” he asked, a sly grin on his face as he glanced up. Then he locked that hot mouth on my neglected nipple, and the only sound I let out was a moan.

A dare.

I needed to give him a dare. When I pressed up with my hips, he gripped one and eased me back down. The last time we’d done this, he’d gotten off in his pants.

That would not do…

The hard suction kept scrambling my brains, and I shuddered when he slid his free hand under my shirt to toy with the other nipple, massaging my breast and then giving it a little twist and pull that was just at the edge of painful.

“Did you say something?” The shit-eating grin he wore now made me laugh, even as heat swept through me.

“I dare you to keep it up,” I said, fighting for every breath to get the words out.

“Which it?” The gleam in his eyes said he knew damn well what I was daring him to do, but he asked anyway. “This?” He bit the nipple through the shirt, just sharp enough for me to feel his teeth, then sucked on it until I was writhing. “Or this?” The tug of his fingers on my other nipple teased right at the edge of pain again.

My little moan became a longer one, and I didn’t care if I was noisy. I had a hand in his hand and another on his back. And I stroked everywhere I could reach.

“Or maybe this?” He did that roll with his hips that ground him against my pussy, and I wanted to cry.

“Yes,” I told him.

He grinned, laughter eddying under his words. “Which one, beautiful?”

Somehow, I got an arm between us, and I had his shorts open and slid my hand right around his cock. The hot, silken shaft almost pulsed under the contact.

“Fuck,” Coop exhaled, and his taunting of my body slowed as he locked his gaze on mine. “That it?”

The corner of my mouth ticked upward. “Only if you want to.” My voice came out a lot rougher than I expected, but Coop’s whole demeanor shifted, and then he was kissing me, and I didn’t need a verbal response. His whole body shuddered from my stroke. Each time I slid my hand up to the crown, he thrust his hips.

Dampness leaked from the tip, and it eased the passage. He thrust his tongue against mine in time to the glide of his hips, and then he planted his hands on either side of me and arched until he could pull away fully.

“Hey.” I pouted. An honest-to-god pout. “I was playing with that.”

“Uh huh,” he said, then he was up and hooked his fingers under my shirt. “Off.”

That morning when he’d given me the good morning kiss in bed had been one thing. Then he’d worked his fingers against my clit and teased me until I came. It didn’t seem to matter that I’d gotten off once that day.

Nope. I wanted more.