“Or we could pull out that old dart board, and the first to a hundred gets to give the other a blowjob.”

His pupils swelled at the offer, and so did his cock. “Okay, dirty talking Frankie is something I never thought I’d get to hear. And I’m in no way taking your insult to my ability to hit a dartboard into consideration. You’ll win, no problem, and then I do.”

I laughed, and he slid his hands higher, and when they brushed my bra, I reached behind me and unsnapped it. Coop didn’t move as I worked one strap out from under the shirt and off my arm, then the other, and pulled the whole thing free and tossed it across the room.

“Well then,” he exhaled. “Truth or Dare?”

Coop either wanted me to take a dare so he could tease me some more or truth so he could get more dirty talk. Still…either way, it was like he said, a win for us. Running my tongue over my lower lip, I pretended to debate it for a moment.


Chuckling, he slid his fingers down to my shorts and flicked the button free. “I dare you to take off your shorts…”

Rolling my eyes, I said, “Like that’s hard.” But before I could move, he clasped my hips.

“Without getting off me,” he continued. “You didn’t let me finish.”

Huh. I glanced down at him, then my shorts. “All right.” This would take a lot of squirming, but from the way he was grinning, he seemed to be looking forward to it.

After unzipping my shorts, I leaned forward so I could rest my chest against his. He helped balance me as I began to roll my hips from side to side, tugging my shorts down and then working down my legs. Every slow grinding pressed me tighter against his groin and teased my breasts against his chest at the same time.

The friction from his shirt and mine teased my skin. By the time I finally kicked the shorts off and sat up to straddle him again, Coop’s face was flushed and his breathing much shallower.

“Fuck. Me.”

I couldn’t help it. I pressed one hand over his hammering heart. “It’s my turn.”

He closed his eyes and groaned. “Okay…I’m ready.”

“Truth or dare,” I whispered, and I had to be honest, I didn’t know which one I wanted him to pick either.

Chapter Seventeen

Can’t Stop This Thing We’ve Started

“Truth,” he said after a significant pause. I must have looked disappointed because he added, “I’ll take dare next time, I promise.”

Chuckling, I rested my hands on his thighs as I leaned back. The motion stretched me out, but with my knees on either side of him and the stiffness of his cock pressing upward, I didn’t want to hurt him either by putting too much pressure on him.

He followed my every movement with a half-sleepy look, but he wasn’t tired. No, not even a little bit. The way he’d track his gaze from my lips to my chest then back up to my eyes again was doing all sorts of happy things to my system. Coop liked looking at me, and right now, I was definitely enjoying him doing it, too.

What did I want to know…oh. Focusing on him, I squinted a little to study his expressions. I was pretty sure I’d know if it was the truth or not. “Did you or did you not lop off the heads of my Barbies in second grade so you could do a brain transplant with one of your action figures?”

His eyes widened. “Seriously?” The last syllable of that question came out on half-broken note. “You’re bringing that up? Now?”

Oh, he didn’t want to answer. Folding my arms, I nodded once. “You said truth. I want the truth.” Because he’d always squirmed out of it and said I must have misplaced them.

But I’d found their severed heads near the dumpster.

I didn’t misplace their heads.

He groaned. “Frankie…”

“Ah-ah. Truth!”

“Fine,” he said, spreading his palms and raising his hands in a gesture of surrender. “I didborrowthem. I thought I could switch the heads out and put them back, and then you would have much cooler Barbies.”

I snorted.