“What does particularly adorable look like?”

“It looks like you, silly, what did I just say?” He rolled his eyes then nudged my book. “Get caught up. You don’t need to have a meltdown this week if you realize your calendar’s off.”

“Ugh, you and Coop both.”

“Me and Coop both, what?” Curious, he glanced at me again.

“He was giving me hell about having an anxiety attack if I’d skipped school today.”

“Well…” The corner of Jake’s mouth kicked up.

“I amnotthat bad.”

“C’mon, Frankie, let’s be real. You’re the straight A student who had perfect attendance in three grades, and the only reason you didn’t have it in ninth was because you had the flu. It takes an actual emergency for you to miss class.”

“Well I skipped class yesterday.” I made a face.

“Technically, you skipped your TA period, study hall, and a class we’re voluntarily taking for no grade so we can take the AP exam and get the credits. Not quite the same thing.”

I stuck my tongue out at him, and he grinned.

“Seriously, what bugged you more yesterday? That you had to talk to Dr. Miller and the SRO, or that you had to miss AP Lit?”

“I’m not talking to you anymore,” I grumbled and went back to my book. Asses. They were all asses. I was not so predictable.

“Sure you are,” Jake said, a smile in his voice. “Because you’d miss me if you didn’t.”

I gave him a dirty look, and he grinned.

“See, now I really want to kiss you.”

Rolling my eyes, I sighed. He bumped my shoulder, then tapped the page.

“Read. Time for us to play later.”

Sighing, I propped my head on my hand and tried to focus on the words, but now I was thinking about kissing. Stealing a glance at Jake, I caught him staring at me.

His eyes twinkled, and I stuck my tongue out at him, but I couldn’t stop my own grin and he chuckled.

Fine, he was right about the fact I couldn’t not talk to him. But they were wrong. I could totally skip classes.

After I made sure all my assignments were turned in and then hope there wasn’t a pop quiz or test. Then again, lectures were important, and French was as much about participation as it was the homework.

So I could skip the afternoon, but not the morning.

Only G did have stuff for us to study in AP Euro, and I’d feel bad if I skipped out on my TA stuff, most of the time it was just hanging out, but she did have things for me to do.

“I hate you,” I muttered.

“What did I do now?” Jake asked.

“Skipping would be stressful.”

And what did he do? He just laughed and rubbed my back.

“That’s why you don’t do it, Frankie.”
