Jake:All good. Might make lunch. Definitely don’t want to miss study hall.

Archie:What’s going on? Coop said you got pulled from class.

Ian:You okay?

Coop:Lunch in ten minutes. You gonna make it?

I had no idea.

An alert popped up on my phone. Another tag on Instagram.


Tabbing to the picture, I stared at it. It wasn’t a post—it was a DM. There were several of them. All from different accounts. All of them anonymous. One was a photo of Patty and Archie making out. Boy that one was old—but the bikini was familiar. It was captioned:He gets around.

The next was one of me and Jake in the hall, holding hands, followed by Ian holding my hand, and another with me and Coop.You are running out of hands.

Another was just some white lettering on a black background.

Heard Pattyand Archie made out @Sat Party. #hot

Shaking my head,I scrolled to the last one.

You knoweveryone hates you right now, don’t you?

Closing the app,I pushed away from the door and stuffed my phone in my pocket, then used the restroom before washing my hands. I couldn’t linger in there anymore.

Diane was waiting for me in the hallway, wearing an encouraging smile. She led the way, then insisted on walking next to me. It wasn’t a short jaunt to the SRO’s office. It didn’t help that the bell rang for lunch before we were halfway there.

I should have just stayed in bed this morning.

Hanging by a Moment

Archie: Any news? Jake or Frankie?

Coop: No.

Bubba: None. Dad is here though.

Archie: Any updates from him?

Bubba: He just told me to hang tight.

Coop: Frankie stopped talking.

Archie:Head to SRO or Student Advocate

at lunch?

Bubba:IDK – split?

Go to both?

Jake: SRO. F just got here.

Coop: Bell rings in five.

Bubba: We’ll be there.