“Maybe just trust me.” A thrill went through me at being called his girl.

“I do trust you. I trust the guys. That’s a small circle, babe.”

His phone buzzed and we both glanced around for it, and he finally reached to the floor and pulled it out of his discarded shorts.

Jake’s name was on the screen.

“You’re on speaker,” he told him as he answered.

“Frankie’s still there?”

“Oh yeah,” Archie said, grinning at me, and heat washed over my face, and I set the coffee aside to go find my shirt and bra, but Archie tugged me back. When he slid his hand down to cup my pussy, I raised my brows and his grin grew almost devilish. “Maria get her to do it?”

There was a long sigh. “No,” Jake admitted. “So, I warned her we can fight fire with fire. She can take it down, or I’ll make sure she gets burned, too. I’m on my way to your place now.”

My eyes widened at the declaration, but Archie just teased his hand against my pussy.

“Don’t recall inviting you,” he said absently as he touched a finger to my entrance and raised his brows. My gut went taut, and all the earlier desire pooled again. Oh crap. I spread my legs a little for him, and he eased his finger inside, and I tensed. Everything was so sensitive.

“Rule #2,” Jake said.

What the hell was rule number 2? No sooner did that thought take root than Archie added a second finger to the first, and he began to thrust gently, skating his thumb against my clit. An embarrassing amount of dampness slicked around his fingers, and his grin grew.

“Frankie.” Jake saying my name pulled me back from the edge, and I clutched at the sheets, but Archie kept his hand in motion and I strained upward with my hips. Fuck, that felt good.

“Yeah?” I managed to push the single word out.

“I’m sorry I didn’t answer you earlier, I didn’t want to give her fuel for the fire.”


“And I know you’re still mad but—think we could still have our date tonight?”

Our date.

Fuck, I was so close, and the combination of Archie’s shit-eating grin and bruised face was just adding to it as he pushed me harder. His cock was stiffening with every stroke of his hand against me, and I licked my lips.

Going to answer him?Archie mouthed, and I shook as I teetered on the edge, and Archie slowed his touch.

Bastard. I mouthed, and his grin just grew wider.

“Can we talk about it when you’re here?” I finally managed to get my brain to produce a reasonable sentence.

“Yes,” Jake said, and the relief in his voice almost instantly made me feel guilty. He was all worried about whether I’d want to see him, and I was about to get off—again. “I’ll be there in fifteen. Maybe ten if I hurry.”

“Don’t hurry,” Archie said. “Take your time. We need about twenty more minutes.”

“You asshole…” Jake said, but Archie had already hung up.

“That was mean,” I told Archie, but he eased his fingers out from my pussy and licked them off. I think a brain cell shorted when he did that.

“What was mean was he ignored you, good cause or not,” he retorted. “So a little punishment is good for him. I took care of that for you.”

I groaned, and he had another condom on, and then he tumbled me over onto my stomach and the simmering tension hovered right at the edge of boiling.

“Now I’m going to take care of this for us…” He eased my thighs apart. “Yes?”

Fuck. “Yes,” I panted as he pushed in, and the angle sent him deeper.