Archie:Hey you. How you doing?

Me:Not great. Talked to Mom.

Archie:Do you want me to call?

What didI want him to do?

Me:She’s still here.

Even if Ihadn’t heard her in the last few minutes, it didn’t matter. My face hurt.

Archie:What can I do?

Me:I don’t know.

How much didI tell him? I still couldn’t wrap my mind around it.

Archie:I can be there in fifteen. Pick you up. Ice cream?

Archie:We can walk around the lake.

It wasn’t rainingout there.


I scrolled backto Jake’s text message. Still no response. Still no read receipt.

Me:Do you know where Jake is?

His answer wasa long moment coming.

Archie:He had to run an errand. I’ll text him that you’re with me.

Archie:Let me come get you?

I should say no,I shouldn’t be selfish, and at the same time…

The television turned on in the living room.

Me:Yes please.

Archie:On my way. 15 mins.

I rolledoff the bed and got changed. Clean leggings and an oversized shirt along with a bra, and then shoved my feet into my running shoes. Not that I planned on running, but better for going around the lake. I dug a hoodie out of the back of the closet—it was one of Ian’s old ones. I borrowed it in sophomore year and never gave it back. I didn’t think it was that cold, but better to have it than not.

Finger combing my hair, I pulled it up into a ponytail before I stuffed my homework and laptop back into my backpack. Wallet and keys in the bag, I flicked off the light and grabbed my phone before I headed out. I didn’t bother making eye contact with Mom as I swung through the kitchen and headed to the back door.

“Leaving,” I told her. “Back later.”

“Frankie,” Mom called, but I played the deaf and dumb card.

“Gotta go, in a hurry, bye.” And I was out, I didn’t bother to the lock the door. She was capable.

Down the steps and on my way to the parking lot, I wanted to be away from the apartment, and I didn’t want her to catch me up.

Me:Walking up the hill. Be at the sign when you get here.

The sun seemed almost toobright, and as soon as I got to the apartment sign, I dug out my sunglasses. I still had at least six more minutes, so I checked Jake’s message.