Coop: Ok. Arch, don’t let F see your phone.

Archie: Ooookay.

Coop: Fajardo had us doing practice essays for AP today.

Frankie didn’t even start on hers at first. Just sat there

staring. She looked upset. Finally got started, moved slow.

Jake: WTF she can

write essays in her sleep.

Archie: Let him finish.

Coop: After class she wouldn’t talk about it.

Archie: This was right before lunch?

Coop: Yeah. Someone wrote on the

essay assignment, something like

“Fitting for you, don’t you think?”on

Scarlett Letter excerpt.

Archie: What. The. Fuck.

Jake: Who is Fajardo’s TA?

Coop: Idk. There isn’t one in our class.

Archie: Why didn’t you tell us at lunch?

Jake: Because she didn’t want to

make a fuss.

Coop: Frankie is trying to pretend it didn’t

bother her.

Archie: Then her car.

Jake: It’s one of the girls.

Coop: Yeah. Probably.

Archie: Sharon? Maria? Patty? Laura?


Coop: I don’t think it’s Laura.

Jake: If you say she’s too nice, I may hit you.

Coop: No, just—it wasn’t a bad