Newsflash, no I didn't. Somewhere right around the end of my junior year, the mail avalanches started coming in. Most of it ended up in the recycle bin, and I couldn't quite figure out how to tell them to stop sending me so much junk.

As it was, I found two bills, both of which I knew were on auto pay so I didn't worry about them, and the last was a letter hand-addressed to my mom with no return address on the corner and a New York post mark. I didn’t open Mom’s mail, so I just carried that one to the desk in her room where I was supposed to leave her mail. The stack I’d put there the week before sat untouched, and the letter went on the top.

I paused, just standing in her room. I didn’t come in here often. Not cluttered, but not barren. It was just—hollow feeling in here. Maybe because she was gone.

Though it smelled different from the rest of the house, and then it dawned on me it might have something to do with Archie’s dad, and I left. Closing the door behind me, I headed straight back to my room after dumping the rest of the mail into the recycle bin.

Sitting back on the bed, I stared at my phone for a minute and then fired off messages to let the guys know I was awake and thanked them for what they’d done, then added I needed to check homework to see what we missed, and to Coop, I sent a private apology.

His message in return was funny.

Coop:It's no big deal. You were really tired. I'm glad that we could give you a good night. And it would have turned out to be a boring date, since I have to babysit. Don't worry about my mom, she got the notice and laughed it off. Said boys will be boys. On the one hand, that's good news, right? On the other hand, not sure I want us just to be labeled as boys will be boys. Thoughts?

Oh God,Coop was in a philosophical mood.

My reply was pretty succinct:I don't have any thoughts. I can't brain today. I haz the dumb.

I got a series of crying and laughing face emojis in return.

Everyone else seemed to be doing okay. Jake wasn't grounded. Thank God. His mother was still not pleased with him, but she said that she had discussed it with Ian's father, and that she felt his actions were somewhat justified, however, she “encouraged” him to use alternative methods, rather than fighting.

Personally, I agreed with his mom. However, he was still on the hook for the anger management with Diane, and I felt bad about that. He was also on the hook for sitting out a couple of games. Still, he summed it all up with a finalworth it!

What was I going to do with these guys?

Ian said he had a long talk with his dad after he got home, and that everything was going to be okay. Said his dad was worried aboutme, well, that could be good. So was his mom. He followed it up withwe’re still on for working on the song tomorrow night?

Yep,I sent back.Need to get the audition recorded. Also need essays written. Gonna write one tonight. Want to see it when I’m done?

Ian:Absolutely. And I’m just sitting here working on some chords. Call if you want to talk.

Me:I can’t believe I fell asleep on you.

Ian:Kind of liked it. You snore, just the tiniest bit. It’s cute.

My face flamed.

Me:Snoring is not cute.

Ian:It is when you do it, and the guys have to sit there and watch me cuddle you. Definitely liked that part, too. You feel better?

Did I?

Me:Undecided. But I’m not falling down tired, and I can think. That’s better.

Ian:So if I ask what was wrong this morning, will you tell me?

I stared at the message.

Me:Mom stuff.And I really was tired.

Ian:Ugh. Sorry. Go do your essay. You’ll feel better.

I chuckled.He wasn’t wrong.

Me:Can I ask you something?
