Archie: Anyone feel like ditching after?

Coop: Yes.

Jake: …

Bubba: Maybe. A. Did you see P’s post?

Jake: …

Archie: Yes.

Coop: Did they have a

meeting or something?

Bubba: We need to fix.

Archie: Sure. How?

Jake: …

Bubba: J we know you can’t talk.

Fill us in after.

Jake: K.

Coop: U don’t have a plan, Arch?

Archie: Bubba won’t like my plan.

Bubba: Share. I might be fine

with it now.

Archie: Pissed?

Bubba: Yes.

Archie: Good.

Coop: Bell in 2.

Archie: Talk soon.

Bubba: SRO?

Archie: SRO

Chapter Eleven

Crash Course

Dragging my feet wouldn’t make the trip to the SRO’s office any easier, so I did my best to hit a brisk pace. I could only wish avoiding prying eyes was possible. Jake and his mom were sitting in the office when we got there, and my gaze locked on his.

He frowned, then glanced past me to the student advocate. Ian’s dad was talking to Officer Jennings. Our school had three resource officers, two were usually always on site.

Mr. Rhys frowned at my arrival. “Hey, Frankie, what’s going on?”