Archie just stared at me, and the corners of his mouth began to twitch, and I cracked up.

“You guys definitely have that covered. How many weekends did you go?” Jake asked.

“A lot.” Archie emphasized. “But Frankie likes it, so that can go back on the list.”

“So can video games,” I reminded him, and he saluted me. “Board game night.”

“Cards Against Humanity,” Jake said. “That counts.”


“Roller rink?” I raised my brows.

“Nope,” Archie said, shaking his head. “They play disco music.”

Jake just laughed.

“The last one is a nature hike.”

“I’ll take you on one,” Jake offered. “I like hiking.”

I smiled. “Me, too.” I had done a lot of these things. Not as dates specifically, but with the guys.

“There has to be more lists,” Archie said. “So—when the guys get here, we all write down date ideas on individual pieces of paper, we put them all in a bowl, and then Frankie gets to pick one each week, and one of us has to do it if not all of us until we empty the bowl.”


Ilikedthat idea.

“Weird,” Jake said. “But doable. Just have to time it when Frankie’s not working, and it doesn’t interrupt someone else’s date.”

“You guys are a little crazy,” I told them.

“About you,” Archie said, then winked. “Okay, I like this list better…” He showed us his phone. “Parties, movies, dinner, dancing…”

I grinned. “Check. Check. Check and…very soon, check.”

“There’s also beach, stargazing, bungee jumping…”

“Bungee jumping?” I straightened a little. That was on the dangerous side.

“I wouldn’t mind doing that,” Jake admitted. “Or going skydiving.”

“I’ve never even been on a plane, and you want to jump out of one?” I twisted to look at Jake, and he grinned.

“Sure, it’ll be fun.”

“We can do it,” Archie said. “We can do all of it. You game?”

To do crazy stunts? “I think we should do homework now.” Because the butterflies in my stomach suddenly had butterflies.

Jake chuckled. “We’ll keep it on the maybe list.” His phone buzzed, and so did mine and Archie’s.

“They’re here,” Archie said. “C’mon, Jake, let’s go get your stuff. Frankie, go grab yours from my room, and everyone back here for a meeting of the study buddies, and no one gets to snuggle Frankie until homework is done.”

Groaning, Jake flopped back. “That’s a crappy plan, I’d much rather snuggle Frankie.”

“Then get done with your homework first,” Archie said with a smirk. The bet was funny, even I laughed. It wasn’t long before they were all back, and the unease and distress of the day faded even more.