Bubba: Calling Sharon now.

Jake: Don’t.

Bubba: She needs to delete that.

Archie: Bubba, J is right. Don’t.

Jake: She wants you to call.

Bubba: We need her to take it down.

Coop: …

Jake: If you’re with Frankie, wait ‘til

you’re home. Don’t call S, I’m going to

call Maria.

Bubba: Bad idea.

Archie: Why don’t I call them?

Jake: Worse idea. Make Coop

do it.

Coop: Finally, home

Jake: You still with her?

Coop: No, she’s gone up. No idea

if mom is home.

Archie: Seriously?!?!?

Coop: Well I didn’t see your dad.

Archie: Fuck

Bubba: Her car was there

Coop: Yeah, still here.

Who am I calling?

Archie: Look at Instagram.

Coop: !!!!!!!

Archie: You need to call Sharon.

Coop: She doesn’t care what I think.

Archie: She doesn’t care what any of us

think. But you are the nicest one