Frankie:No promises. Night, Archie. Feel better.

Archie:I’ll feel better when you’re not mad anymore.

Yeah,I didn’t know how to answer that one, so I closed the messages and stared at the ceiling.

After putting the phone on silent and do not disturb, I turned it face down on the nightstand, then dragged my laptop up and loaded YouTube. I had no idea what I wanted to watch, so I just picked a channel and turned it on.

Movie flubs was as good as anything. But I barely saw the screen as Tiddles curled up next to me and I began to pet him. I was so tired.

But I wasn’t going to sleep. When I turned my face toward the pillow and took a deep breath, I sighed.

I had no idea what to do.


Not good.

Fightin’ Words

Coop: She’s home.

Jake: She texted. How was she, Bubba?

Bubba: How you’d expect. Her mom’s car

is here. I’m staying in the parking lot

for a few.

Coop: Good idea.

Jake: Coming back after?

Bubba: Probably not.

Jake:We all need to talk.

Coop:I think we said enough.

Jake: …

Coop: We did. We fucked up.

Bubba: Some of us more than others.

Archie: If you can punch me

you can say my name.

Jake: Not now, Arch.

Archie: Now is good.

Coop: …

Jake: …

Bubba: If you’re waiting for an