“Thank you.”

“If you need a ride tomorrow—to get your car, tell me. No strings, I’ll pick you up and take you over there and leave you alone.”


“I mean it.” He studied me intently. “Nothing’s changed for me, Frankie. I still want to take you to Homecoming. I still want to date. I still want you.”

Tears burned in my eyes, and I had to look away. “You’re killing me, Ian.”

“No, I’m caring about you,” he whispered, pressing a lingering kiss to my cheek. “Now go inside, I’m not leaving until I see you safely behind the door.”

My heart still twisting, I made myself walk away. I made it all the way up the stone steps to the back door before I glanced back. As promised, Ian stood there, helmet in hand, watching me.

When he caught my gaze, he gave me a small smile. Tugging the keys from my pocket, I unlocked the door and gave him a little wave before I slipped inside and locked it behind me.

The kitchen was dark, save for a single low light over the stove. Tiddles trotted out to meet me and rubbed against my legs. Tory blinked at me from the sofa as I grabbed a soda out of the fridge and then headed toward my room. The living room was also dark with only a low light burning in the hall for navigation.

Mom’s door was closed. There was no light under it. And no sounds drifted out—thank God. I had no idea if Archie’s dad was there, and I really hoped he wasn’t. To be honest, Mom might not even be in there, car or not. All three cats followed me into my room.

It hadn’t changed since I left to go to the party, and at the same time, it seemed utterly different. After I changed into a tank top and sleep shorts, I crawled onto the bed and pulled out my phone to let the guys know I was home safe, and a series of messages and notifications were waiting on the screen.

Jake:You home safe?

Coop:Check in, okay?

Ian:I’m hanging out for another ten. Just in case.


My stomach crampedand I ran my hand over Tiddles as he bumped against me. Tabby had already claimed one of my pillows, and Tory jumped up into the window and began to groom. Tiddles crawled into my lap and purred as I stared at the messages.

Finally, I shook off the stupor and sent aHometo Jake and Coop. To Ian, I typed:It’s quiet. I’m in bed. You can go. Thank you for the ride.

Jake:All good? No issues with Mom?

Coop:Not sure if we’re staying tonight. Jake said he’d give me a ride home. Text if you need me.

Ian:Okay. I’m a phone call away. I mean it. Probably going home myself.

Be safe, I sent to Ian, and to Jake I just said,No issues. Good night.

Coop didn’t need an answer, but I sent aKanyway. That left Archie. Another notification popped up from Instagram, and I sighed. How many videos or pictures were there going to be of Ian punching Archie? I didn’t want to know.

Archie’s message still had three dots like he was typing something but hadn’t sent it or wasn’t done.

I took a long drink of my Coke, then typed in:I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have told Ian and Coop.

Time seemed to elongate, and I was debating switching over to my laptop and queuing up YouTube videos to watch until I could sleep, when the phone buzzed.

Archie:You didn’t do anything wrong.

Chewing my lip,I stared at it.

Archie:I should have told you about our parents. That’s on me.

Archie:I wish like fuck you had stayed here.

Frankie:I know. Thought I’d be stuck. All the cars.