I opened my mouth, then closed it again. Then… “You sent those roses.”

“Yeah.” Another smile, only this time with a hint of shyness. “I did. I’ve had a crush on you for a long time, and don’t worry, I get it. You don’t swing my way. A girl could hope and I did, but the more I tried to get to know you—the more I realized you needed a friend.”

Facing her, I frowned. “You told me about the guys saying I was untouchable.”

There wasn’t an ounce of apology in her eyes. “Yes, I did. Because they were being jerks, and you didn’t see it. Like I said—you needed a friend. I didn’t mean for it to hurt you, or for you to shut down the way you did. But you barely seemed to notice the world over the summer.”

She wasn’t wrong.

“And for what it’s worth,” Rachel said. “Thanks for calling me when you needed help—even if it was just for make up tips.”

It wasn’t funny. It was all kind of sad in a way.

But I laughed, and the corners of Rachel’s mouth curled up.

“Rach,” I told her honestly. “If I did swing your way—I’d totally go for you.”

Her smile grew, and she winked as she finished up the concealer, her touch light and almost effortless. “Guess I’ll just have to settle for a bosom buddy—speaking of which, you have a great bosom and thanks for wearing the red shirt.”

To be honest, I’d completely forgotten about the shirt.


It had been a shit morning.

I’d worn Archie’s shirt for comfort.

“Thanks for the roses, you have no idea how great they made me feel.”

“Good.” Another couple of touches, and she switched to the base. “Now sit still, and let’s make you all sexy and shit for those four idiots—not that you need much help in that department.”

My face heated, and I laughed.


Rachel was Mr. Thorns and wanted to be my friend.

The guys were all outside waiting for me.

All of them had my back.

Maybe not such a shit morning, after all.

“I have no idea how to tell the guys,” I admitted. “They really didn’t like me getting those flowers.”

Rachel smirked. “Good. Make them step up their game.”

I laughed. “You’re incorrigible.”

“You don’t know the half of it.”

Yeah, maybe not so bad after all.

Chapter Twenty-One

Reality Checks Don’t Bounce

Rachel’s revelation added fresh spinout circles in my head, but at least these weren’t wretched ones. The idea Rachel had liked me enough to go out of her way to make me feel good was one thing, but she hadn’t been kidding about being attracted and I’ll admit it, the idea flattered me and left me as stunned as when the guys admitted they wanted to date me.