Talk about incentive. “If you get done first, I’m giving you another blow job.” The dare in the words pulled a laugh from him as he dipped his hand into my boxers and cupped my pussy.

“I’m torn between taking my time so I can eat you out and winning so I can feel your mouth again. Fuck that was awesome.”

“Well, we can always try both at the same time.” Who was I, and where did these suggestions come from? Even blushing, I couldn’t help but be even more turned on by the image.

Jake groaned and then sucked against my earlobe. “Deal.” Then he slid his hand out of my shorts and gave my ass another smack. The heat from it sent a tremor zinging through me, and I might have moaned.

The smirk he suddenly sported sent a frisson of awareness through me. “You do like it,” he said softly. “We are so going to have to explore.”

Facing him, I raised my eyebrows. “Right now?”

He laughed. “No, baby girl, we’re doing homework now because it’s almost midnight, and you need sleep and to not stress about your homework. I have just the thing to relax you when we’re done.”

Sprawled together on my bed, I got my homework done at lightning speed. By one, we were entwined again, and it took a little maneuvering, but we managed another round and we definitely fit the sixty-nine model. By the time he curled up around me and I went to sleep, I was boneless and safe.

It was just about perfect.

Chapter Eighteen

Every Picture Tells a Story

Waking up to Jake still being there seemedrightin a way that defied definition. The alarm hadn’t gone off yet, and the cats were sprawled around the bed. Tiddles was actually curled up on my stomach, just below Jake’s arm. Jake was sleeping on his stomach, his face turned away, but he had an arm over me. The room was still cast mostly in shadows.

I ached. Marvelously so. My shoulder twinged, and there was a hint of soreness between my thighs. Stretching slowly, I ignored Tiddles’s meow of complaint as he leapt off of me. Jake curled his arm as if to tug me closer as I pointed my toes and raised my arms. A laugh escaped me, but I tried to smother it with a hand, not wanting to wake him.

When he shifted in his sleep and turned over to cuddle closer, I studied his sleeping face. Even in the dim light leaking around the edges of the shades, I could make out the stubble on his jaw and the tousle of his hair. The week before, I’d likened him to rumpled Jake, rugged and unpolished, and I might just have to add unapologetically sexy to that list.

His eyes opened slowly, and I rolled onto my side to face him. Stroking a hand down to my hip, he offered me a drowsy, if delighted smile. “I could get used to this,” he whispered in a husky, sleep-drenched voice. “Best thing I’ve seen since last night.”

Another laugh escaped me. “I was just going to say the same thing.”

“Hmm,” he murmured, then leaned in to brush a featherlight kiss to my lips. “Still early, sleep.”

Carding my fingers through his hair gently, I couldn’t seem to stop smiling. “You sleep, I’m fine right here.”

Eyes flickering open again, he raised his brows. “Staring at me?”

“Hmm-hmm.” I gave a little nod. I didn’t think I’d ever get tired of looking at him. When he slid his hand down to my back and wrapped his arm around me, I was ready for the tug as he pulled me closer, breast to chest, and eased a thigh between mine. The heavy weight of his erection was right there, pressing against my belly.

This was where we’d gone of script the week before. Not that I was complaining. I skated my nails lightly over his scalp, and he made a small humming noise before nuzzling another gentle kiss. Morning breath was a thing, but it didn’t seem to bother Jake, and when he teased my lips apart with his tongue, I fisted his hair. One hand on my ass, he squeezed, then tilted my leg higher.

Lazy kisses grew fiercer, and then he kissed a path down my throat. The bite of his stubble stung, even as his lips soothed. Groaning, I dragged his head back, then nuzzled my own licking, biting kisses to his throat. When I began to suck a spot right over his pulse, I swore Jake growled.

He speared two fingers into me, but I was more than wet enough, even if I was still sensitive and swollen. The languid heat pooling in my middle caught fire, and I bit down on his shoulder.

His quiet, but emphatic “Fuck” sent a pulse straight through me. He curled his fingers and traced his thumb over my clit. It didn’t take much to edge me higher. Then he pulled his hand away, and I whined.

“Easy, baby girl, I know,” he promised me and pressed his fingers to my lips. I opened right up to take them, sucking them clean, and he stared at me blankly for a long moment before releasing another, emphatic “Fuck.”

He tumbled me on my back as he reached over, and I realized he’d snagged his wallet.


No more condoms.

“I’ll buy some today.” I promised as I kissed a path down his chest.

“Wait…yes!” He let out a whoop and showed me a condom tucked right behind his driver’s license. I raised my brows. “And you don’t have to buy them, baby girl. I’ve got a whole box at home. I’m just going to put them in the car from now on.”