Carding my fingers through his hair, I shivered again. The delicious little shocks kept coming. Jake carried me down the hall to my bathroom, and I was glad he was there when he stepped us into the shower together. The warm water on my skin was a caress all its own.

Somehow, we managed to get clean. Though I was half-tempted to try and suck him off again, I had no idea if I could even maintain my balance long enough. I was sore in all the right ways.

He frowned at one point and kissed my shoulder gently. “I bruised you.”

Glancing down at it, I grinned. “I liked it.”

With a scowl, he gave my ass a light swat. “I never want to hurt you.” The heat of his palm striking my butt sent another flurry of feeling through me.

“Even when I like it?” I dared him.

Eyes narrowed, he said, “We’d have to discuss that ahead of time.”

“Jake…” It was my turn to soothe him. I hugged him and stroked his back until he huffed out a breath.

“Promise me if I ever grip you too hard or something actually hurts, you’ll tell me?” He pressed another kiss to my shoulder.

“I promise,” I said easily. “I trust you, Jake.”

I did. Despite everything—or maybe because of it—I did trust Jake. He was blunt and charged full steam ahead, but I had no doubts about his feelings. Especially not now that I paid attention to all the little things I hadn’t noticed before. Jake always put himself between any perceived threat and me. He wouldn’t let me pull away without a fight. Of all of them, he’d been the most persistent over the summer. Even when I didn’t answer the calls, he called and left messages.

In the last couple of weeks, as soon as he learned what I wanted, he’d been all in, regardless of the fact I was dating the other guys. He wanted me. “But I’ll tell you,” I assured him.

“Good,” he said, letting out a little sigh of relief as he pressed his forehead to mine. We lingered under the water for a little longer, and then we took our time toweling each other off and exchanging kisses.

He hung out in the bathroom as I dried my hair, my avid audience. Then he pulled on just his boxers, and it tickled me to pull on the ones he’d left behind last week. They were clean after all.

The grin he sported as I tugged them on and tightened them with a little drawstring made me laugh. The tank top was pale and did little to hide my nipples, and attracted his attention to them even more than when I’d been bare-chested.

We finally went in search of the food he’d brought because I was starving. After devouring the wings and having drinks, I belatedly remembered I hadn’t messaged any of the guys.

They were gonna kill me.

Sure enough, there were messages from each of them, though Coop’s had me blushing.

Reading over my shoulder, Jake laughed.

Coop:So in the interest of not ruining your evening, I told Bubba and Archie you were home safe and sound, and that Jake was there so you might be distracted. Yes, I know, I am awesome. I will see you in the morning. Sweet dreams.

Biting my lip,I glanced up at Jake. “They’re going to know.”

“Doesn’t bother me in the slightest,” he said, looping his arms around my waist. “Are you okay with it?”

I was…. Kind of. “Ian wanted to wait.”

“That’s Bubba’s call,” Jake said, rubbing his thumb against my belly where he’d rucked up the tank top. “I guarantee you, Coop is not going to.”

Another blush scalded my cheeks.

“And that’s okay with you?”

“As long as it’s okay with you,” Jake said. “I can live with them. No one else though.” There was just a hint of warning in his tone. “Anyone else looks at you sideways, and I’m going to take their head off.”

Okay, that kind of thing shouldn’t turn me on, but it so did.

Leaning my head back against his shoulder, I closed my eyes. The fact Jake was okay with the others just added to the euphoria of the evening. “I don’t want to do homework,” I admitted.

“I know,” he said. “But we have to—and if we get it all done, I’m going to eat you out again.”