He swallowed my cries as he pushed me through the orgasm, then chuckled when he finally released me to half-collapse against him. There was a sheen of sweat on my skin, and his was equally damp. My hands slid against him, but I didn’t want to move.

Dragging his fingers from my pussy, he trailed them up my side, but I was too replete to be tickled. Then he dipped and took one sensitive nipple between his lips, and I almost came again. It was too much, but he sucked against one as he caught the other in a pinch and twist that had the heat coiling again.

I was all wanting, and all I wanted to do was touch and play with him, even half exhausted. When I wrapped my hand around his cock, I delighted to find him half-hard and growing stiffer by the minute. On my back again, I stared up at him as he moved to brace an elbow on either side of me before he swooped in for another kiss.

Kissing Jake was something like a cross between the electrical charge in the air of an incoming thunderstorm, and the big fall at the beginning of a waterslide—intoxicating and breath-stealing. I dug my fingers into his back. My lips and my tongue felt swollen, and I still couldn’t get enough. He peeled away from me abruptly, leaving me gasping as he fumbled behind him, and then he had his wallet and out came a couple of condoms.



Dazed, I pushed the hair away from my face as the foil ripped. Jake’s hot eyes never shifted away as he stared down at me. I ached as he rolled the condom on, and then the foil fell away from his fingers as he pushed my thigh a little higher and positioned himself.

Panting for air, I was burning up.

“Frankie,” he said, dragging my attention back to him. “You and Archie—you did this, right?”

The question seemed to come out of nowhere, and guilt prickled little icy shivers down my spine. Was that going to be a problem? “I…”

“It’s okay, baby girl,” he soothed in that sweet voice of his. “I just want to know how careful I need to be. It’s okay. It’s not a judgment, I promise.”

He wavered as tears filled my eyes. It was one of the sweetest things he’d ever said to me. “Yes,” I admitted. “A couple of times.”

“Okay, then we’re still going to be careful.” The dark promise in those words sent another blast of heat through my system. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You couldn’t,” I whispered. Jake had always been careful with me, more aware of his strength than I was, and I loved it when he eased forward, the first push stretching me. There was the faintest of burns as he thrust in, slow and continuous, moving until he blanketed me again. Sliding his hands under, he hooked my shoulders and then kissed me as he seated, the fullness of him seeming to split me in two. Suddenly, I was grateful for how wet I was and how easily he fit me. Hitching my thighs to his hips, I pressed a foot against the back of his leg, and he groaned.

Against my mouth, he said, “I love how flexible you are.”

“Yeah?” I panted as he rolled his hips, striking fresh sparks in me. We’d shredded all the lines, the feel of him inside me made me wonder why I’d waited so long for this. I ached from wanting, and it wasn’t like we hadn’t both come, and I’d come more than once. But suddenly, I wanted more.

“Oh yeah,” Jake murmured as I cupped my hands against his ass, and when he rocked his hips, we rocked together. I clenched around him, needing to feel him, and then he began to really move as he kissed me again.

There were no words for this. Just skin slipping on skin, grinding together. When he slid a hand down to push a thigh up, he shifted the whole angle and I couldn’t catch my breath. If I’d thought I was sensitive earlier, every drag of his cock through my pussy as he pushed in and pulled out set my nerves on fire.

The hairs on his chest teased my nipples. The electric touch of his tongue on mine sent charges through me, and I was fighting to stay with him, even as I strained toward my orgasm. It hit hard and fast as he pumped his hips at an almost bruising force. Every strike sent sparks through me. I was crying, or maybe Jake was. There were tears on my face and I was on fire, then all the tension just expanded out and my vision went a little white and fuzzy around the edges.

He pumped his hips another three times and then let out a shout of his own. The grip of his hand on my leg and my shoulder tightened. I was shaking, or maybe Jake was. I couldn’t tell. When he collapsed against me, I savored the weight and held onto him like I would drown if he went away.

Time seemed to blur, and I had no idea how long we lay there. My hair was damp, and so was his. The slide of his skin on mine set off a fresh wave of tingles. He was softening inside of me, but he made no move to pull out until he started to slip free.

With a soft grunt, he rolled away and I almost whined, barely swallowing the sound before it escaped.

“Shh,” he whispered as if he’d heard me anyway, and he cupped my face as he kept a grip on the condom. “I’ll be right back.”

Then he was up, and I slumped back against the pillows. I didn’t want to move, but I hated the idea I couldn’t see him. He walked out of the bedroom and down the hall. The world seemed to expand a little from our narrow little corner.

When Jake came back, he leaned against the doorframe. “I turned on the shower,” he said. “Can you make it, or do I get to carry you?”

“How can you even walk?” I mean, I hadn’t even stopped trembling yet, and I wasn’t sure my legs would hold me at all.

He grinned. “Don’t ask me, I feel drunk. You’re everything, Frankie.”

Soft. Even shaking, I went soft, and something of it must have shown on my face, because Jake’s eyes gentled. He crossed over and slid his arms under me, then lifted me like I weighed nothing. I looped my arms around his neck. When he kissed me this time, it wasn’t passion, but sweetness, and he nuzzled my lips, just holding me.

“Thank you,” I whispered when he lifted his head.

“Ha,” he said, a grin quirking his lips. “Thankyou. That was—everything I could have ever hoped for and more. I’m already thinking about all the things I want to do with you.”