“Yeah,” he grimaced. “I did do that.”

I scooted over anyway and pointed at the remotes on the side table. He pulled up YouTube on the television and, since I was logged in, he scrolled it to the watch later and then handed it to me. “You pick.”

Pizza in one hand and the remote in the other, I looked at our list and yawned before stretching my legs out to rest my feet on the new coffee table. I picked a video at random and started it. We ate and we watched. I killed about four pieces of pizza before my stomach stopped gnawing on my backbone.

When I leaned back, Jake wrapped an arm around my shoulders and glanced sideways at me. “This okay?”

“It’s nice.” I almost rested my head against his shoulder, but my hair was wet, so I tried to straighten.

“It’s fine,” he said nudging my head back.

“You sure?”

“I’m sure,” he said with a smile. It was colder in the apartment with the air conditioning on, and the longer I sat there, the more tired I became. I think even my hair was tired at this point. Jake rubbed my arm lightly. He was a lot warmer and I curled my legs up and shifted to be closer to him.

“Jake?” I was half-asleep.


“This isn’t a great date for you.” I smothered another yawn.

“I get to spend time with you.” He pressed a kiss to the top of my head. “I like it. Besides, we’re still getting together on Sunday, right?”

“Umm-hmm.” We were on our third? No, our fourth video, and I’d seen this one already, but I thought Jake would enjoy it. He’d mocked the movie when we saw it a couple of years before. The rumble of his laughter when it started told me I’d made the right call. It was twenty-some odd minutes. I could rest my eyes.

For a minute.

Another yawn pulled at my jaw, and my eyes drifted closed.

Just a minute.

Chapter Seventeen


Warmth wrapped all around me, I wanted to burrow into it unwilling to open my eyes. I tugged the blanket a little tighter even as I tried to stretch. Rubbing my nose against the pillow, I sighed. It still smelled like Jake. Tiddles purred from somewhere near my desk and I could have sworn Tabby leapt off me. A yawn pulled at my jaw, but when I cracked my eyelids, it was still mostly dark.

Cool, more sleep. One of the cats must have still been on the blanket, I squirmed to get more comfortable, and the hand on my stomach slid up to cup my breast. That was…



My eyes jerked open. The room was still dark, and I was definitely in my bed, and there was definitely someone else curled up against my back. I lifted my head from—an arm, not a pillow—and twisted.


A grunt was his only answer. Then a very firm squeeze of his hand against my breast sent a thrill through me. Wrapping the arm I’d been laying on around me, he pressed his nose against my hair and nuzzled a kiss to my nape. The prickle of his stubble sent another wave of sensation washing through me. Squirming, I tried to turn over.

“It’s the middle of the night,” came his sluggish voice. He rolled from his side to his back and he took me with him. It was definitely still dark. I could barely make out that he was there by the light sneaking in around the edges of blinds. But the outdoor light was yellowy and dim.

He’d kept an arm around my shoulders, but the hand on my breast had slipped away when he rolled.

“Jake,” I tried again, the racing of my heart chasing sleep away. What time was it?

Lifting his head, he grumbled then adjusted me—literally tugged me closer to his chest while one of my legs slid over his. “It’s like two in the morning, Frankie. Go back to sleep.” He punctuated his sentence with a yawn. It flexed his chest and the rub against my tank top left my nipples strained and pointed.

Okay, now more than just shock had me awake.