“You guys are going to be late,” I told them.

“We’re fine,” they said almost in unison as Coop snorted.

“They will be once we’re on the way home. What do those say?”

“One sec,” I opened the car and got it started so the hot air would get out of the interior the a/c could start working.

Ian offered to hold them for me so I could free the note. Jake pressed right up to my shoulder as I opened it.

With their blazing energy,orange roses are the wild child of the rose family. Sometimes we have to make a break from expectations and do something completely different. Be fearless. Do something wild and unexpected…

“Who is this dude?”Jake asked, and he didn’t sound happy about it.

“I don’t know,” I admitted, but I was curious. At the same time… “Whoever he is, he’s sweet.” The flowers were nice. No one did that for me and, I kind of like the idea someone left the roses just for me. “Hopefully, he’s leaving them for the right person, because if he’s working up for his ask… I wouldn’t want to spoil it for him.”

More than a little curious, I glanced at Ian, but he shook his head. “Not me, though if this is guy is thinking of asking you to Homecoming, I hope he doesn’t mind disappointment.” Instead of looking at me, he glanced over at Coop. My best friend just shrugged.

“We good then? We got the flowers. You two football players have practice to get to, and Frankie needs to get to work.”

“He’s not wrong,” I admitted. Their disgruntled expressions were cute. “Coop, do you mind holding these for me?”

“Nope,” he said, stretching an arm across the top of the car. I passed them over after I pocketed the note.

When I turned, Ian was right behind me.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said. “If I don’t stop by Mason’s tonight.” Then he dipped his head and brushed his lips against mine. It was barely there before it was gone again, yet it sent a thrill right through me. I didn’t have to imagine what he tasted like, all I had to do was lick my lips. “Have a good night, Frankie.”

“You, too.” I’d thought it was hot before, but then I caught Jake’s quiet stare and raised eyebrows. The heat flushing through me seemed to hit boiling point.

“I’ll see you after work.” Jake said thoughtfully. “Text me when you’re done?”

“I will.” Was my face burning? I wasn’t really sure what the etiquette was here. Ian knew about Jake and Jake knew about Ian. Maybe Ian told everyone we made out, but then again, maybe he hadn’t. I hadn’t said anything. “And on that note, I gotta go.”

So, I wasn’t too proud to admit I hopped into the semi-cool car and buckled in. Thankfully, Coop was right there. He studied me as I pulled out of my spot, violently aware of Jake and Ian standing there talking. I both did and didn’t want to know what they were saying.

Coop didn’t ask.

Not a word.

At least not until I parked. “Jake’s coming over after work tonight?”

“Yep,” I told him as we exited the car, I grabbed my backpack and then my roses. “We made plans.”

“Plans.” Coop squinted at me.

“Yes,” I paused to meet his stare. “Plans.”

“Text me when you get home?”

I locked my car and, with my roses in hand, I started backing toward the sidewalk. “I have to go feed the cats and get ready and get out of here.”

“I know…it’s cool. I’ll see you later.” He waved a hand, but as soon as I hit the steps leading to my backdoor, he called, “Text me when you get home, so I know you’re in safe?”

If I texted him, he’d probably show up. I didn’t mind that mostly, but Jake wanted the time, and just like I wouldn’t let them intrude on Ian’s. “Okay, but don’t come over unless we invite you, okay?”

Coop grimaced. “Okay. Have a good night, Frankie!”

I waved and then rushed. As it was, I ended up sliding into work about ninety seconds late. Fortunately, my boss just waved me to get on with it. The rose thing was a constant in the back of my mind all the way through my shift. It was, at least, until Ian showed up at six-forty with Jake and they grabbed a table on my side.