Archie: I love you guys, but you’re nuts.
Bubba: Asshats, focus. Leave French guy
alone. You’re going to piss her off.
Archie: …
Jake: …
Coop: …
Bubba: Fine, Rule #6 Don’t hurt Frankie.
Archie: Duh. That doesn’t need to be a rule.
Jake: Then it doesn’t matter if it is one.
Coop: Heads up. Her mom’s car isn’t there.
Archie: …
Coop: Just saying. Gone more than here.
Jake: Fuck.
Archie: In line at Starbucks, anyone else?
Coop: Yeah, my usual and Frankie’s.
Jake: No shit, we’re only getting coffee
cause he’s stopping for Frankie.
Archie: Agreed.
Bubba: If Rule #6 passes
then leave Mat alone.
Archie: Who is Mat?
Coop: French dude.
Jake: Frenchy.
Archie: I don’t care about him.
Coop: Bubba… why do you want us
to leave him alone?
Bubba: Cause it’ll hurt Frankie.
Archie: temporary situation.
Sat. Party. He’s gone.