Another shiver went through me, and my nipples ached. I got sex, don’t get me wrong. I knew that Tab A went into Slot B. Girls actually had a few options for where Tab A could go, guys had one less, but really I didn’t want to focus on inserting him anywhere.

Though, now that the thought occurred, I tried to relax my clenched muscles so I could stand up.

“I’ll keep that in mind,” I told him. Despite all my attempts, I was not getting off his lap and Bubba—Ian—seemed to be in no hurry. If anything, he seemed to be staring at me. He still had a hand in my hair and the other was on my hip.

No, a finger was under the hem of my bathing suit and gradually, I dropped my gaze to see where his index and middle fingers were just under the seam touching what you could argue was forbidden skin.

Ian paused a beat, and then seemed to follow my glance. “Bad?” he asked.

Well, no, not technically. The skin there was about two millimeters from the exposed skin, so no not bad just…

“I don’t—I haven’t…”

Understanding kindled in his eyes. Thank God, because I wasn’t sure I could bring myself to utter those words. It was weird enough that we’d just kissed.

That kiss.

I was still shaking a little on the inside and my stomach remained all knotted up…and if I just rolled my hips.

Bad hips.

Do. Not. Roll.

I licked my lips and that was a mistake because he zeroed in on the motion.

“It’s okay, Frankie,” he murmured, the absence of his fingers as he slid them out from under the seam then eased his hand from my hair. “That—I could make out with you all day, but we don’t have to do a damn thing you’re not ready to do.”

Did that mean he was ready to do…? “I haven’t,” I repeated, probably unnecessarily.

“I got that,” he said, his expression sobering even as his pupils looked less drugged and more focused. “I’m not pushing. You’re…gorgeous. You’re funny and God I want to kiss you again.”

“You do?” A little flare went off inside of me. What the hell was that? I’d never… When Mathieu kissed me there’d been a flutter, a kind of sputter really. This was… well, the only word I had for it waswow.

“Oh yeah. But you haven’t…”

“No,” I admitted sucking in a breath and easing off his thighs. He let go of my hair as we disentangled. “I’ve…never really had the opportunity.”


Of all the responses he could have used,thatwas not what I was expecting. “At the risk of sounding like an idiot—cool?”

Ian laughed, before he held up a hand as he said, “Actually, gimme a sec? I’ll explain, I promise.”

“Yeah, sure.”

He rose a little awkwardly, and no I did not just totally check out the thick line of erection clearly detailed by the way his swim trunks clung to him. Nope, I focused on the way his abs rippled.


That wassomuch better.

Ian shoved away from the steps and hit the water, he started slicing his way across the pool. Then he doubled-back before repeating his laps.

After about ten, I shifted a little. This was kind of a good time to get myself under control. As soon as he was angled away from me, I smoothed a hand over my bathing suit top. Pointy nipples showing would not give him the wrong idea; no it would definitely give him the right idea.

Kissing him had been the best turn-on of my life.

When he hit fifteen laps, he straightened in the pool. I’d moved over to the table and opened one of the cokes. He stared at me, chest heaving as water droplets slid over him like some hot fantasy I cooked up to try and get myself off.