Coop’s grin grew. “Looking forward to it. You two have fun studying and, Bubba, you better drive real fucking careful like.”

That was a warning. Coop didn’t threaten.

Not anyone.

I stared at him.

“Don’t worry,” was all Bubba said. “I intend to.” Then he glanced back at me. “Arms around me and hang on.”

The rumble of the engine revved up, so I slid my arms around Bubba, gripping his abs even as I pressed up against his back. His muscles rippled as he walked the bike back a couple of steps.

“See you later, Coop,” I called. Then Bubba revved once, and we were off.

The little whoop that escaped had me grinning, and we weren’t even going fast yet. What would it be like if he really opened up the engine?

I was in lust with his bike.

And hanging onto him as we rode.

The Rules

Coop: We need to establish some rules.

Jake: Rules?

Bubba: Rulz? Are you still ticked because Frankie’s at my place?

Archie: Yuk it up, Bubba. What rules?

Coop: Look, we made it clear: no guys bug her.

Jake: We were there, get to the point.

Coop:If we’re all dating her, we need rules.


Jake: …

Archie: Who said we’re all dating her?

Coop: Okay Arch, we can take you

out of the chat for this.

Friday nights aren’t date nights 4u

Archie: FU

Jake: He’s dating her.

Archie: It’s not official

Coop: …

Jake: …

Bubba: …