“Uh huh,” he said. He tugged my hair once. “Lock the door behind me. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Night, Coop.”


I leaned against the door after he left and let out a breath. I’d actually been more nervous about Coop’s reaction than I had Mathieu’s kiss. And the French guy was definitely out of the bag. Coop did not keep secrets well.

My phone buzzed, so I pulled it out.

Dessert Options:You got home safe?

I grinned. There were a bunch of other messages.Crap. The guys. I’d muted them. I’d fix that in a minute.

Yes, I did. I had a really good time.

Dessert Options:As did I. Good night, Francesca.

Head back, I closed my eyes.

Nope. I’d look at the guys’ messages in the morning. I was in a good mood, and I planned on sticking to it.

News Flash

Archie: Who was she with?

Jake: What do you mean she waswithsome guy?

It’s like 10:30 at night.

Bubba: Coop? Dude, you don’t drop a bomb like

you found Frankie with a guy at her place

and then just stop. Who is the guy?

Archie: Are either of you close to their places?

Bubba: No. Give him a minute.

Jake: If he doesn’t answer by the time my shoes are on…

Coop:Some guy named Matthew. French.

He came over to make dessert. She’s back…it was a date.


Jake: …

Archie: Who the fuck is Matthew?

Coop: Guy from her French class.

They made a dessert. He was at her place for a few hours.

Definitely a date and she’s…

Bubba: She’s what?