“Maybe you should have let your boyfriend come,” he said, and I was glad I’d always been a cautious driver because the comment surprised me.

“Coop’s not my boyfriend. He’s a friend, probably my best friend most days. Not today, but most days.”

“Hmm…” The noncommittal sound irked me. “I know when I make another man jealous.”

I snorted. “If he knew I made you dessert,thatwould make him jealous.”

Anotherhmmand I had to resist the urge to snap. “Look, Coop is Coop. It doesn’t mean anything. And I’m really glad you came over tonight.”

“As am I.” Then another block passed before he said, “I would like to see you again.”

Really? We were doing this now and not later? Didn’t guys usually wait until a couple of days after a date to ask for another date? Or maybe it was a French thing? Despite the chaotic toss of thoughts, I managed to say, “I’d like that.”

“Good,” he said, his smile clear in the word. “Are Sundays better nights for you?”

“There’s a party next Saturday…” My stomach knotted but I pressed on. “Friends of mine are having a back to school bash. It’s gonna be a lot of high school seniors, swimming pool, music—probably some illegal drinking.”

He chuckled. “I would love to go with you, Francesca.”

Thrilled didn’t begin to cover it. All too soon we were at the Wheelers’ place and Mathieu turned in his seat. “You are sure your boyfriends will not mind if I take you to the party?”

“I don’t haveboyfriends,” I reminded him. “I don’t care if they’re okay with it. I’m okay with it, and I had a really good time tonight.” Better than I could have imagined if he would stop bringing up the guys.

“Let me know if I should bring anything…”

“I’ll pick you up. I’ll let you know what time later this week?”

“I look forward to it.Au revoir.” This time, he pressed a kiss to my lips—a gentle one, just a brush, but an honest to God kiss.

“Au revoir.”

I sat there in the car, watching him walk up to the front door like an idiot, but I didn’t want to miss a minute of it. Once he was inside, I had to restrain myself from doing a crazy dance in the seat.

I kind of wanted to hope on the phone and text—the guys and tell them how awesome this had been but…

Yeah. No.

Waving my hand at my face to cool it, I got myself together. The drive home was spent humming along with the radio.First date. Great dessert. Perfect guy.

Real kiss.

I was about delirious when I pulled back into my spot and even giggled as I locked the car and headed for my door. How was I ever going to get to sleep tonight?

Not even Coop sitting on my back steps could diminish my mood. “Did you get lost?” I teased. “Or forget your keys?”

He’d done that before.

“Nope,” he said, standing as I strolled up. “Just wanted to make sure you got back safe after you dropped off Frenchy.”

“Mathieu,” I corrected him lightly. Coop was right behind me as I unlocked the door.

“Whatever,” he said. “Your mom wasn’t home tonight?”

“Nope,” I said and actually grinned about it. Mom still wasn’t home and, based on all earlier observations, I was going to bet she was shacked up with the boyfriend somewhere. Gross but, hey, if Mom was happy…? “She’s got a boyfriend.”

I hadn’t actually said it aloud before. It sounded weird.

Coop frowned. “Is that why she’s been gone a lot?”