Good freshmen.Backpack off, I dug out my lunch—the sandwich from the day before, a bag of carrots, and a bottle of water. Before I could take a bite, a heavily laden tray slid onto the table across from me, followed by a blond-haired jock wearing a familiar smile.

“Hey, Frankie.”

“Hey, Bubba.” As irritating as they could all be, Bubba had the temperament of a golden retriever. Like the day before, he looked tired, despite his smile. He dropped his backpack on the ground and reached for the container of chocolate milk on his tray of—a hamburger, a slice of pizza, and small stack of fries and what…?

“What is that?” I pointed to the plastic packed item that was upside down.

“Pop tarts,” Bubba said with an unabashed grin. “Brought them with me this morning but forgot to eat them, so I figured I’d have them for dessert.”

God, that was a lot of food. I bit into my sandwich and shook my head.

“It’s frosted strawberry,” he said, holding it up like he was trying to tempt me. “I’ll share.”

“I’m good.” I motioned to my carrots. “Got my dessert right there.”

“Rabbit food and…pb and j, you’re just rocking the top of the line menu choices.”

“If it works…”

“…don’t change it,” Archie finished as he dropped onto the seat next to me. “Why are we eating at school?” Though Bubba was right there, Archie focused his attention on me.

“I don’t know, Arch. I’m eating here because I brought my lunch. Bubba appears to have staged a raid on the lunch line.”

Bubba laughed.

“Ugh,” Archie said making a face. “I’d rather leave campus.”

“No one is keeping you here,” I reminded him and took another bite of my sandwich. When he reached for one of my carrots, I pulled them away.

“I don’t want to stand in the line,” Archie said by way of explanation. “And I don’t want to eat by myself.”

“You’re not by yourself,” Jake set his tray on the table on my free side. His was piled higher than Bubba’s had been—in that he had two of everything.

“Do they not feed you at home?” I mean, I know it was a rude question, but damn.

“Eh, couldn’t make up my mind and didn’t know if you had actual food or—” He motioned to the carrots. “Rabbit food.” He set a burger and a container of fries in front of me.

“Great,” Archie said, shoving his backpack under the table and reaching over me to snag some fries.

Rather than deal with the lean and reach, I transferred the fries to Archie’s side along with the burger.

“Hey,” Jake growled, and reached past me to put them back. “Those are for Frankie. Go get your own.”

“You’re all determined to starve me, aren’t you?” Archie looked so morose, I couldn’t help laughing.

“Poor baby, nobody loves you.”

“Here,” Bubba said. “I’ll share.” He slid the Pop Tart over to Archie. I had to bite my lip to keep from guffawing. ArchiehatedPop Tarts. He acted like they’d committed a crime against breakfast food.

“Thanks,” Archie said with a scowl. He turned to me. “I’ll trade you this for the other half of your sandwich, since you have a burger now.”

I didn’t want a burger, but it was kind of pathetic…

“What the hell is he doing?” Bubba murmured, scowling. Bubba didn’t glare at anyone. I twisted along with Archie and Jake to see what snagged his attention. Coop was strolling toward the parking lot with Laura and a couple of her friends. They were all talking in animated fashion, and he had an arm looped over her shoulders. Sunglasses hid his eyes.

“Being a dumbass,” Jake commented turning around.

“He likes her,” I reminded them. “And it’s not like you all haven’t had girlfriends.”