It sounded more like a request than an order, but I just shrugged. I had no idea whether I’d be up for going to the party or not. Not after…

“I’ll come and pick you up myself,” Archie said from the doorway. “I’ll even give Frenchy a ride, but I want you there, Frankie.”

A dozen responses danced across my tongue, but I settled for, “I have to go to work. I’ll see how I feel afterward.”

I’d been looking forward to the party. I’d… yeah, I couldn’t think about this right now. Archie’s stricken expression haunted me long after I shut the kitchen door behind him and leaned against it fighting tears. How had the night into the morning taken such a dramatic one-eighty? My phone buzzed away on the dresser when I got back to the bedroom.

When I glanced at it, messages from Jake and Coop were on the screen. It changed to show Ian’s pic as the phone began to ring. Disappointment swam through me and I sent the call to voicemail.

How did they all know me so well and then plan something like that?


I swiped away the tears and got my room picked up and the bed remade. Then I stared at the roses by the window. What were they planning to do to the poor guy who’d sent me those?

I had to go to the party. I couldn’t runaway this time. I promised to take Mathieu butMister Thornsas Archie put it was also planning on being there. Those roses had been a delight this week.

Mind made up, I got my suit together with shorts and the hairband I’d need for that night, then I dragged my hair up and clipped it.

The messages were still waiting for me unread, but I switched over to the message with my mom.

Nothing in the last couple of days.

The trouble was, the people I usually talked to about my problems were the same people I was having the problem with.

Fuck, I need more friends.

Sniffing, I closed my eyes and forced deep breaths. I could do this. Swallowing the pain, I packed it away. Tears weren’t going to get me anywhere and a miserable waitress didn’t make good tips.

Eight hours of shift in front of me.

Then the party.

Another deep breath.

Tiddles meowed at me, his green eyes knowing, and I smiled at him. “I know, I like them, too, but they shouldn’t have been planning to do that.”

The cat bumped his head against my hand, and I scratched his chin.

“I’ll see you later, baby.” After the party, I’d come back and eat a gallon of ice cream. I’d pick up some from work and bring it home.

I’d more than earned it.

Work was a nightmare, but I pushed through—even when all four of them showed up for lunch. For once, I just traded with Zabra and had her take the table. I didn’t want to talk to them right now and if they couldn’t respect it, then I’d handle it a different way.

They lingered, and while none of them made a scene or tried to call me over, I could feel the weight of their stares. The one time I glanced at the table from the back, Ian was glaring at Archie and Jake. Coop, though, just shook his head, but whatever he said to them didn’t seem to be making it better.

“Everything okay?” Marsha asked me, probably because I was hiding in the back instead of out front where I usually was.

“Yes. No.” I lifted my shoulders. “I don’t know.”

The older woman gave me a gentle smile. “Come take a break—a real one.”

Guilty at being busted for hiding, I trailed after her to her office.

“Sit down. I’ll be right back.” When she returned, she had a couple of cokes and she handed me one with a straw. “Caffeine usually helps, and your eyes are red.”

They were?Shit.I’d been determined not to cry.