Yeah, because why would she know what we had? “I think we need cat food, but I can check when I get home. Maybe milk.” More because it had expired than I’d used it.
“That’s good, I’ll send over a hundred. If you spend more, just tell me.”
“On cat food?” I mean, I got that she was focused on what she was doing. But who spent a hundred on cat food?
“I meant if we needed more. Look, I know I’m not there…” She sounded distracted and then the phone was muffled. Ugh. Was the boyfriend right there? Was that why the business trip was taking so long? “Sorry, someone was talking to me. Anyway, I know I’m not there. That’s why I’m calling. Is everything all right? How was your second week as a senior?”
“It was great,” I said, staring down the hall. “Just great.”
“Glad to hear it. All right, I have to go. I’ll text you soon?”
“Yep.” Then the phone clicked, and she was gone. I stared at my phone. The morning started off so promising. There were lots of things I could have told her, but I doubted she wanted to hear any of them. Not while she had so much todo.
Really?I glanced up to find Rachel studying me. “Hey, Rachel.” I straightened and slid the phone into my pocket.
“You okay?”
“Yeah,” I lied. “I’m fine. Just heading back to the caf. You?”
“I’m okay.” She didn’t look like she believed me.
“Cool, did you get that poetry assignment figured out?”
“I did,” she said slowly, her smile reaching her hazel eyes. “Thank you again for your help.” She hesitated then stepped closer. “You sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah,” I said, maybe if I said it aloud enough it would become true. “Just distracted… really.”
“Okay. You still going to Archie’s party tomorrow?” Her hesitation disappeared a second later and she backed up a step.
“Of course she is,” Archie answered for me as he rolled up with my backpack in one hand and my coffee in the other. “Here…” He held it up and balanced the pack while I slid my arms into it. After I claimed my coffee, he wrapped an arm around my shoulders. “See you later, Rach,” he told her as he guided me away.
“The bell hasn’t rung yet,” I reminded him a couple of steps down the hallway.
“Yeah, I know, but Laura showed up at the table, and Maria looked like she was heading back, and I’m over the drama. Let the guys deal with them. You said I could look at your notes.”
I shook my head. Laura, huh? Was she fishing for a homecoming invite?
And why shouldn’t she? I had a date and that meant… “Archie, are you going to homecoming?”
“Can’t dance with you if I’m not there,” he reminded me.
“Huh… if you’re not asking Patty, who are you asking?”
“Don’t have to ask anyone,” he said, his voice low as we turned into the hall near our class. It was quiet and the lights hadn’t been turned on yet. With the cloud cover, it left us in shadows. Then he glanced at me. “Jealous of the idea of me taking someone else?”
“I don’t think so,” I said slowly, unwilling to commit to it fully. At least not until I had to deal with it. “It’s not like I haven’t had to watch you guys date before.”
“Uh huh,” he said slowly. “Youarejealous.” He seemed enormously pleased by the idea.
Elbowing him, I glared. “I am not.”
“Hey,” he said, spreading his hands. “It’s fine. It means you like me.” The last was said with a note of wonder.
“If you didn’t think I liked you, why did you ask me to prom?” Would I ever understand boys?
“Because I didn’t want anyone else to ask you first, and I want to be the one who puts the look on your face that Bubba just did.” Archie held out his hand. “And I couldn’t wait for tonight.”