Bubba: ...

Jake: Really, Arch?

Bubba: Yeah, I’m thinking we

need a rule on that.

Jake: I think not being an asshat

should be a given.

Archie: Screw you, Jake.

Coop: Dudes, what the hell?

Bubba: Guys!


Archie: We didn’t talk about sleepovers.

Jake: We’re not talking about it now.

Coop: Rule #3 don’t step on another guy’s date.

Bubba: Rule #4 No competing with each other.

Archie: …

Jake: I’m not fighting you Arch,

but keep this up, and I will

be hitting you.

Archie: And if I ask Frankie about it?

Coop: Whoa…

Bubba: Stop.

Jake: You do, and I will

beat your ass.

Bubba: Time out. Stop, both of you.

Archie: …

Coop: …

Jake: Leaving in 2.

Leave her alone

Or else.

Bubba: Rule #8 No fighting.