“Do you want to tell me?” I shot a look at him, but he was staring out the passenger window.
“Not really,” he admitted.
“Then I won’t ask.”
“Just like that?” Coop frowned and glanced at me, but I had to keep my attention on the road.
“Just like that,” I confirmed.
He lasted two blocks. “I’d ask you.”
“So, you do want me to ask?”
“No,” he said, then sighed and banged his head back against the seat. “I want a do over.”
“Well, sorry, time-turner is broken. We got what we got.” Then because it was Coop and he was usually better at not letting things rattle him, I said, “Show up at lunch tomorrow and Archie will get over it. You’re blowing the guys off for a girl and they don’t deal with that well.”
“Is that what you think I’ve been doing?”
It was what I knew he’d been doing, but all I said was, “That’s what they think, and that’s what matters, right?”
He didn’t say another word until I’d parked at the apartments. “I’ll walk you to your door.”
“It’s right…”
“I’m walking you to your door. Let’s go.” The snap in his voice was as annoyed as Archie earlier.
Ugh, sometimes…
Mom’s car wasn’t in the carport.
Coop paused as I got the door unlocked. Then he glanced inside the darkened apartment. “Mom out again?”
“Yep,” I told him. “Probably be home in an hour. See you in the morning?”
He nodded. “Thanks for the ride, Frankie.”
I closed the door and leaned against it tiredly, and then locked it before grabbing a glass of water. When I checked on the cats, they were all obnoxious in letting me know they’d been home alone all evening. The chicken was still in the fridge. I usually ate at work the nights I did because I got a free meal when I had a shift.
It was Thursday.
Closing the door, I shook my head. I’d throw it in the dumpster in the morning. After I showered and got in pajamas, I checked my phone.
Messages from Archie about Friday, a couple from Bubba with song suggestions, one from Jake asking if I was okay.
None from my mom.
None from Coop.
Throwing myself on the bed, I told Archie we were still on, but I had to feed the cats before we grabbed dinner. He said he’d pick me up at the apartment so I could leave my car here. That was cool.
I told Bubba I’d listen to the songs and get back to him. I queued one up to play and then texted Jake that I was just tired. Then I sent a message to Mathieu apologizing I couldn’t really hang out, but it was great to see him.
Jake:You sure? You seemed pretty pissed at us tonight.
I sighed.Not pissed. Just tired. Archie bad mood. You guys fighting with Coop. I work there.