Surprise bubbled up and I stared at the wrapping paper. It was done up in red and gold. “You got me a present? You didn’t have to.”
“I know,” he murmured, shifting a little in his seat to watch me. “I wanted to get you something. Go ahead, open it.”
Curious, I slit the paper carefully along the seams of the tape and Archie groaned.
“I forgot how anal you are in opening things.”
“It’s not anal,” I corrected him. “It’s conservative. Why waste the paper because you’re in too much of a hurry and you shred it?”
“Because that’s half the fun?”
I laughed. Inside was a flat, squarish velvet jewelry box. He got me jewelry? Shock eddied through my surprise. I couldn’t remember the last time someone gave me jewelry.
Actually, I was pretty sure no one ever had. Archie tracked my every movement as I nudged the box open to reveal the silver and gold charm bracelet. It sported two charms, an A and an F.
“Archie,” he said quietly, tapping the A before motioning to the F. “Frankie.”
Tears pricked my eyes. “Archie, it’s…” I didn’t have words for it.
Lifting the bracelet out of the box, he motioned to my wrist, so I gave him the left wrist to fasten it around. The metal was warm and smooth, the links a little chunky but also stylish, and the letters were elegant. “It’s the start of a new adventure,” he said. “We can add charms to it as we go. You said there were a lot of things you wanted to do and to experience. The A and the F are for your first go out for real date.”
I frowned, struggling with the burn of tears in my eyes and clogging my throat. He traced two fingers against my pulse point in my wrist.
“It’s really great,” I admitted losing the battle, and he tilted his head.
“Hey.” He turned in the seat and cupped my cheek, catching an escaping tear with his thumb. “I wasn’t trying to make you cry.”
“It’s stupid but…”
“But?” he prompted, studying me intently.
“I just—I wasn’t expecting it. Not sure you noticed, but I don’t really own jewelry. No one has ever given me any before.” The guys had given me presents, don’t get me wrong. We had several years of birthdays and Christmases behind us, but this was different. It was intimate and personal.
“So I get that first, too,” he whispered, then lifted my hand and pressed a kiss to my palm. “We need to add a little present charm to it.”
I laughed and swiped at my tears. The bracelet didn’t weigh much, but it settled on my wrist heavily. “Thank you, Archie.” Stretching over, I pressed a kiss to his mouth. He held me there for a firm, long kiss before releasing me.
His grin dragged another a similar one from me. “You’re welcome. I may bring you a gift for every date, especially if you enjoy them that much.”
Giddy and a little lightheaded, I flicked my fingers at him. “I’m not asking you to spoil me.”
“I don’t know,” he said turning to put the car in gear and then backing out of the spot. “I kind of like the idea of spoiling you.”
Leaning back in the seat, I laughed. “You’re already spoiling me by taking me out.”
“Taking you to dinner isn’t spoiling you, Frankie.” He glanced at me as he navigated through traffic. “That’s something a boyfriend does. They take their girl out. They experience new things with her.”
“Is that in the handbook or something?” I tried to not focus on the label he’d just used.
“Ancient Guy Secret. I could tell you, but then I couldn’t date you.”
“Oh, well, in that case, by all means, keep your secrets.” I grinned as I studied the damp world we passed. It was still raining with the occasional flash of lightning. The air had cooled considerably, but it wasn’t cold. That would happen later in our “autumn.” For now, it was just a relief. “It’s not like I didn’t pick up tips listening to you guys debate your girls over the last few years.”
He made a horn sound. “Ehhh. Foul ball. The use of accrued knowledge gathered through nefarious means will not be admissible.”
I snorted. “Nefarious?”