"Do it," Theresa pipes up.

"It helps to knock some sense into their big, dumb heads," Aurora agrees.

"Just be sure you are ready for the repercussions." Karma’s lips twitch. "Not that I’m complaining."

Aurora clears her throat. "It can be very rewarding… As long as you’re sure you can stand on your own and not give in completely, if you know what I mean."

My cheeks heat. "How do you do it?" I turn to Theresa. "You’re the sweetest, nicest person I know. I’d have thought Axel would have chewed you up by now, but you seem to be able to hold your own—no offense." I raise a hand.

"None taken." She shakes her hair back from her face. "To be honest, in the early days, I found I simply couldn’t say ‘no’ to Axel. It was like he’d narrow his gaze on me and use this voice, which would completely entrance me, and I’d find myself doing anything he asked. But as I’ve gotten to know him better, I’ve realized I want him not only to love me, but also respect me. I know the only way to do that is to hold my own against him."

"And you’ve done it." I touch her shoulder. "I’ll bet it wasn’t easy for you to go against your natural personality."

"It’s not so much that I changed myself. I’ve always had it in me to stand up for myself. I just had to find the incentive to activate that part of me." She glances between us. "Does that make sense?"

"It does," I say slowly, "and I wonder if there isn’t a lesson somewhere in there for me." I reach over and scratch under Andy’s chin. He meows then wriggles out of Karma’s grasp, and lands on my shoulder.

"Oh," I gasp, then laugh. The cat turns around, draping himself about my shoulders like an expensive scarf, then he licks my cheek.

I giggle. "Ooh, that’s rough."

"Told you, he thinks he’s a dog. He’s been so spoiled by Michael, it’s not even funny."

"He’s practicing for when he’s a daddy." Theresa reaches over and rubs Andy’s forehead. "Is Michael as protective of you as Axel is with me since you became pregnant?"

Karma starts to speak and Theresa holds up her hand. "No, don’t tell me. That was a stupid question. Of course, he’s protective and possessive and everything in between." She turns to me. "Well, this is what you have in store," she flings out a hand, "so take notes."

"I already know."

"I assume you’re getting married in the same church as we did?" Karma asks.

"Umm," I shuffle my feet, "no church."

"Eh?" Theresa blinks.

"Yeah, I already told Seb I’m not getting married in church."

"You’re not?" Theresa frowns, then her forehead clears. "Oh, is it because of your daughter?"

"Wait, you have a daughter?" Aurora turns to me.

"Yeah," I blow out a breath, "and my ex lives in Palermo, which is why I moved here, to be closer to her."

"Is she with her father?" Karma’s voice is soft.

"I have her on weekends, but—" I glance to the side then back at her. "I'm afraid he's petitioning the court for sole custody."

"What?" Theresa gasps. "Why didn’t you tell me?"

"It’s been an eventful month for you," I remind her softly. "I didn’t want to bother you with my problems."

"Oh, Elsa." Theresa grips my hand. "You should have told me. Nothing is more important than this. We’re talking about your future with your daughter."

"I know." I withdraw my hand from her grasp. "But seriously, don’t worry; it’s all in hand, now that…" I jerk my chin in Seb’s direction.

"Ah," Aurora makes a noise at the back of her throat, "is that what he held over you to make you agree to marry him?"

"Ah..." I shift my weight from foot to foot. "I’m marrying him because I want to."