After that pronouncement, Nonna flounced out of the room, followed by the rest of the men. Karma, Cassandra, and Theresa hung around long enough to let me know that they were on my side and that they would do their best to help me with the upcoming nuptials. They also told me they would be waiting for me until I was ready to go home.

Now, it’s me and Christian alone in the room.

I glance at him, knowing my apprehension is written on my face. "We can’t get married," I burst out, "you know we can’t."

"You heard Nonna," Christian drawls. "She’s made up her mind, and once Nonna makes up her mind, nothing can change it back."

"B-but after everything that happened, surely, you agree that us getting married, even under the guise of a pretense, is a bad idea."

Christian folds his good arm behind his neck and leans back. The hospital gown stretches across his shoulders, and instead of looking ridiculous, it only emphasizes how fit, how sculpted his physique is. It should be a crime for anyone to look this good, especially when they are injured. The bandages only set off the tan of his skin, which is now a healthy color, thank god.

When he had lost blood and seemed gaunt, the bottom had dropped out of my stomach. My chest had hurt, and a pounding pressure had made itself felt behind my eyes.

I have treated patients, seen them in pain, but it’s so much worse when someone you love is suffering. I’d rather it be me who is hurting; that way, I know how to deal with it. But if it’s someone who you—hold on, back up. Love… Did I say love? So, yes, I have fallen in love with him along the way. I'd known it on a subconscious level, but almost losing Christian had brought home the fact. No way am I going to put his life at risk again, especially when that man is out there, still hunting him. And I’m sure getting married would draw the attention back to Christian and bring that man back for him.

"We can’t do this." I clasp my fingers together. "It’s too dangerous."

"Dangerous?" He murmurs, "If you mean you are in danger of being fucked twenty-four-seven once we are officially married, and on our honeymoon, then yes, that’s dangerous."

My cheeks heat. "That’s not what I meant, and you know it."

"No, I don’t." He lowers his chin. "Why don’t you come closer and explain it to me, hmm?"

"Oh, no," I shake my head, "no, no, no, I am not coming near you, especially not when you are injured and need to rest that arm."

"Is it concern for me or for yourself that’s keeping you away?"

"Both," I say without hesitation. "I admit, the sex between us was good—"

"Good?" He chuckles. "Christmas decorations are good, buying presents for your family is good, but the sex, darling Flower… Our fucking is over-the-top, mind-blowing, pussy-clenching, blowing-my-load-in-seconds explosive."

"No need to be vulgar." I duck my head to avoid meeting his gaze.

"Oh, now she’s shy…" He laughs. "Didn’t hear you complain when I bound you up tighter than a Christmas stocking before the presents are opened—"

"Shh!" I dart a glance toward the door. "Keep your voice low."

"You ashamed of your kinky side, Flower?"

"Of course, not," I murmur, "it’s just… you know… I am still getting used to—"

"How much you crave the fetish?"

"Something like that." I flip my hair over my shoulder. "Anyway, coming back to the question at hand—"

"There is no question. We are getting married. In two days. End of discussion."

I glower at him.

He yawns, then settles back into the pillows. "I do believe my meds are finally catching up with me." He shuts his eyes.

"Don’t you dare fall asleep." I jump to my feet, walk over to him, and hit his shoulder, the one near where the bullet hit him.

"Ouch," he grimaces, "that’s my hurt shoulder."

"I know," I firm my lips, "it was the only way to get your attention."

"Bloodthirsty too?" He smirks. "Didn’t peg you for being heartless, Flower."