"And you won’t interfere in our wedding?"

Michael scowls, then says, "Fine." He jerks his chin. "And now, you’d better brace yourself for No—"

The door swings open, and Nonna sails in. She’s dressed in an impeccable silk skirt and jacket, with what looks like a mink coat thrown over her shoulders. Karma walks in behind her, followed by Theresa and Cassandra. Karma sidles over to where Michael is sitting. Michael pulls her onto his lap, and Karma cuddles into him. Adrian watches Cassandra as she walks over to Aurora. Theresa follows her. The two women flank Aurora, who shoots them a grateful glance.

It shouldn’t have to be like this. Aurora is not the traitor that Michael is making her out to be… Is she? No, she can’t be. I have to believe that. She’s hiding something. There’s no doubt about that, but whatever it is, she must have her reasons. There’s no way that she could betray me… She can’t.

Nonna walks over to stand beside me. "Christian…." her chin trembles, "nipotino mio." She refers to me by the affectionate term for grandson before she reaches over to cup my cheek.

"Nonna," my heart softens, "I am okay, Nonna. It was just a scratch."

"You can’t fault me for being worried, Christiano," she chides me. "However much you boys may grow up, you will always remain myciccino bello.And after what happened to Sandro, you can’t blame me for being worried about you."

"I am truly fine, Nonna." I take her hand in my mine. "See, still alive and almost ready to be discharged from the hospital."

"Oh, no, you are not going anywhere," Aurora jumps in, "not unless I confirm that you are ready to leave."

"Is that right?" I arch an eyebrow in her direction.

"You are on my turf, Mister." She firms her jaw. "And my word is law here."

Massimo chortles, Seb coughs, and Luca looks amused, while Michael and Adrian content themselves with smirks.

"What?" I scowl at the men. "Are you all taking her side on this?"

"Don’t involve us in your domestic matters," Seb murmurs.

"It’s good to know that there’s someone taking care of you." Nonna shoots Aurora an approving glance.

"Nonna, I am completely okay."

"You don’t look completely okay," she retorts.

"But I want to spend Christmas with all of you," I protest.

"That’s why you got lost in the snowstorm and decided to hole up in the lodge, hmm?" She smirks. Gesù Cristo, my grandmother really is a force of nature.

My neck heats. Shit, why does Nonna have this uncanny ability to reduce me to feeling like I’m still only six?

"That was a quirk of fate," I murmur.

"Was it now?" She arches an eyebrow.

"We Sovranos are powerful, but we don’t control nature, Nonnina."

She laughs, then glances between me and Aurora. "It’s understandable that you wanted to spend time with your beautiful fiancée, but since you two were missing for a few nights, I guess I can assume that the deed is done—"

"Nonna," both Aurora and I burst out at the same time.

"Not that I expected the two of you to keep your hands off of each other before the wedding. Or maybe I did." She raises a shoulder. "Old woman that I am, after all, guess my expectations were unreasonable."

"Come on, Nonna, that’s not fair," I murmur.

She blows out a breath. "You’re right." She tilts her head. "In fact, I’m willing to forgive the two of you for your misdemeanor."

"Misdemeanor?" I exchange glances with Aurora. "Is that what it’s called?"

She nods. "And I know how you can make it up to me."