"Umm… Do I want to hear this?"

She glances from me to Aurora, then back at me. Her eyes gleam. Uh-oh, I’m not sure I want to hear this right now.

The silence stretches, then Aurora finally speaks up. "What is it Nonna?" she asks in a soft voice. "How can we make it up to you?"

"By moving up the date of the wedding."

"What?" Aurora bursts out. "Now you want to move up the date of the wedding?"

"Exactly that. I thought it would be good to wait for a few weeks, but given everything that has happened, I’m convinced that it’s best not to delay things anymore."

"But…" Aurora protests, "Nonna…"

"I know, a dress, but you don’t have to worry about that."

"I don’t?" Aurora blinks.

"I've been busy working on a dress for you and for your maids-of-honor," Karma pipes up.

"Ah … but I am not sure—"

"I am." Nonna turns to me, "and I am sure Christian, here, will only be too willing to oblige me?"

"I hate to tell you, I told you so but… " I smirk, "I told you so."

Nonna frowns at me, and I cough. "I mean, of course, Nonna, I'll be only too pleased to oblige you."

"Don't look so pleased." She sniffs. "If you hadn't meandered off and indulged in actions of the horizontal nature, we wouldn't have had to do this."

"Gesù Cristo, Nonna." I strive for an appropriately shocked expression. "You are embarrassing all of us."

"I’m not embarrassed," Nonna arches an eyebrow, "and neither is Michael." She turns to Michael, "Are you embarrassed, Michael?"

Michael coughs. "Me, embarrassed by you? Of course, not. Nonna, you could never say or do anything to make me uncomfortable."

"Are you embarrassed, Sebastian? Luca? Massimo? Adrian?"

The men shake their heads. None of them even try to hide their smiles.

Traitors. The lot of them. I scowl around at the men, then turn to glare at Michael. His smile widens.

"In fact," Michael drawls, "I propose we should have the wedding as soon as possible."

"I agree," Seb pipes up.

"Totally," Adrian adds his voice.

"Assolutamente." Luca smirks.

"Now, that is what I call a capital idea." Massimo nods his head sagely.

"It’s settled then?" Nonna rises to her feet. "Christian and Aurora are getting married in two days."



I am getting married? I am getting married. Jesus, I’m getting married?