"Now what?" Beauty lays the gun across her lap, then looks at me expectantly.

I reach over, wrap my fingers around her neck and bring her close. I kiss her, then thrust my forehead into hers. "Now we wait."

"And what do you suggest we do while we wait?"

"What do you have in mind?"

"What do you think?"

"You’re not well." I scowl and she raises an eyebrow.

"Let me be the judge of that."

She reaches over and grips my crotch and my cock instantly hardens.

"Karma," I scold, "now is not the time."

"Now is exactly the time." Her eyes twinkle. Color seeps back into her face and she doesn’t seem to be sweating anymore.

"You’re feeling better, I take it?"

She massages my crotch, "I am now." She winces again and I glare at her.

"You lying to me again?"

"I…" She scowls, then pulls her hand back. "Fine, fine," she glances to the side, "have it your way."

I blow out a breath, "Baby, I know you want me, but your health is more important."

She scoffs, "What would make me feel better is if you eat me out."

"And get you overexcited again?" I shake my head, "not that I don't want to, but I am worried about you Karma, and I'd rather play it safe until we have you examined by a doctor."

That's when shots ring out.



"Fuck," he swears under his breath, "it’s beginning." He rakes his gaze across my features, "You ready for this?"



"Yes," I jerk my chin.

He holds my gaze a second longer, then turns and puts the car in gear. He eases the car toward the garage door which rolls up, revealing the driveway. He revs the engine, peers through the glass as he waits…waits…

I search the driveway and what I can see of the grounds up ahead. "Shouldn’t all the shooting have attracted cops by now?"

"It would have if we’d been in London."

"We aren’t?"

"We are on the outskirts, and the grounds are so big that there are no neighbors around for miles."

"So, he lives close to one of the most expensive cities in the world and his estate is so big that he could literally commit murder and go undetected?"