I glance down at Karma, then at Seb, "We need to—"

"We’re going to stay and fight it out," Karma retorts.

I glare at her, "Now, you’re going to make my decisions for me?"

"She’s right," JJ cuts in. "Try to leave here and you will be gunned down."

Seb nods, "Our only hope is to stay and fight and take down those shooting at us."

"We have the weapons needed to outlast them," JJ reminds me.

Karma grimaces. If possible, she turns even more pale. Sweat dots the front of her dress, which clings to her chest. Her chest rises and falls and her lips twist. She’s in pain. She’s not admitting to it, but she’s in pain.

"No," I say in a cold voice.

"What?" Seb stares. "What do you mean, no?"

"I mean, no." I glance down at Karma, "I am going to find a way to get her out of here and to a doctor."

"Fuck," Luca swears from above us, "that’s suicide."

"We’ll survive. I’ll make sure we survive."

"Cazzo!"Seb growls, "Fratellone,that is not a good idea."

"I’m going to do it anyway."

"Think of her, if not yourself; you don’t want to put her life in danger."

"I am thinking of her," I say in a low voice. "If I don’t get her out of here, her life will be in danger."


"Let him go," JJ murmurs. "You can take her to my doctor; I’ll text you the address. I’ll call him and let him know to expect you."

"Grazie," I jerk my chin at him.

"You’re welcome." JJ pulls out his phone and walks away to make a call.

Just then, footsteps sound outside. The door flies open and Christian, Massimo, and Antonio burst through the door.

"What’s wrong?" Christian sinks down to his knees next to Seb, "What’s happening?"

"Karma is not feeling well, and the Capo has decided he is going to make a run for it to get her to a doctor."

"You are both going to die," Christian says flatly. "There are still, at least, ten people out there, and probably more on the way."

"I am not going to let my wife suffer. I am going to get her to a doctor."

"And how are you going to do that?" Christian growls, "I assume you parked your car a distance from the house so you could approach without being discovered?"

"Cazzo!" I swear aloud, "It's not going to be easy to get to it without being spotted."

"You can use my car," JJ pockets his phone as he prowls over to us. "It's in the garage and it's bullet-proof."

"No vehicle is completely bullet-proof." Christian snaps. He turns on me, "I speak the truth and you know it. Try to take her out of here and you endanger both of your lives."

I hesitate. Do I want to be more beholden to one of my enemies...more than I already am.