Almost as if she can read my mind, she jerks her chin in a downward direction. If I hadn’t been paying such close attention to her, I’d have missed it.

Their job complete, the men holding me back away. They leave the room and the door snicks shut.

"Sit down,Signora," JJ murmurs. He slides the gun back into the waistband at the small of his back. Karma doesn’t move and he touches her shoulder.

I growl, lunge forward again and the chair shifts. The scrape of wood against wood sends a screech through the space.

JJ glances at me. "Impressive," he tilts his head, "but unnecessary. I have no wish to hurt her."

"That’s why you took her." The blood pounds at my temple, my pulse rate ratchets her. "How dare you touch her?"

"Calm down." JJ arches an eyebrow, then turns to Karma, "You’d better get your husband in hand,Signora,else I won’t be responsible for my actions."

Karma swallows.

"Do it," he snaps, and her lips tighten.

A growl rips from me as she moves forward. She closes the distance between us, then sinks to her knees in front of me.

"Capo," she whispers, "my Capo." She places her palm against my cheek and every pore in my body seems to pop. I stare into her green eyes, take in the golden sparks that flash there. I hold her gaze as she leans up and presses her lips to mine. "I love you," she murmurs, "only you, Capo." The sound of my title from her lips... Fuck, but right now, I’d tear the world apart, just to hear her say it again.

She peers into my face and an expression of hope, of anticipation laces her features. I hold her gaze…knowing what she wants to hear. Wanting to say it. Wanting her to feel it. I try to form the words, but my tongue doesn’t seem to work. I don’t glance away, allowing her to read my expression, the raw need I feel right then, the helplessness. Do I have any right to love her, if I can’t even protect her?

She moves back and I spring forward. I smash my lips to hers and kiss her and kiss her. I lick her lips, thrust my tongue inside her mouth and absorb her. I kiss her until someone taps me on my shoulder, "That’s enough, ol' chap."

JJ’s voice cuts through the haze in my head. I tear my mouth from hers and survey her flushed features. She licks her lips as if absorbing my taste within her before she rises to her feet.

JJ walks around and pats the chair opposite me. "Please,Signora," he says in a casual tone, "do take a seat."

With a last glance at me, she heads over and sits down.

JJ picks up the snifter of brandy on the table between us. He takes a sip as he glances first at her, then at me, "Now where were we?"

"What the fuck do you want?" I snap.

He smiles. "You know what I want."

"The cybercrime syndicate," I say in a low voice. "That’s what this is about?"

"Right on one." His smile broadens. "Now that I have your attention on it, what say you?"

"What do you want with it?"

"I don’t want you to hand it over to me."

"You don’t?"

He shakes his head, "That would mean getting in the trenches and monitoring the day to day, which wouldn’t work for me."

"You simply want to share in the profits," I surmise.

"Right again," he says in a pleased tone. "Look at that,Signora.Your husband is being exceptionally cooperative. Makes me think that I should have tried this tactic earlier."

"You rigged her car with an ignition bomb, youpezzo di merda!"

"Now, now, that wasn’t me."

"You think I am going to believe you?"