"Oh no, I can’t," she protests.

I scowl. "I bet you haven’t eaten breakfast today."

She blinks.

"Well, have you?"

She shakes her head.

"Come on, then." I nod toward her plate.

"There's only one set of cutlery," she points out.

"We can share," I reach for a fork and push my spoon toward her. She grabs it and for a few seconds the sound of cutlery hitting the plate fills the space. When I have polished off almost everything on my plate, I place my fork down, "Is the Capo working from his home office today?" I ask.

"He left very early and told me he wouldn’t be back for dinner."

"Oh," I blink, "guess he’s working from his office at Venom, then."

She glances up at me, "He told me to help you in any way needed with the Christmas party."

I hold her gaze, "Guess you’re thinking that it’s in bad taste to hold a celebration so soon after a funeral?"

"I think it will help bridge the rift between the brothers."

"You mean between Michael and Luca?"

She nods, "And Sebastian and Christian."

"What’s up between those two?"

She raises a shoulder, "I am not sure, but they seem to always be fighting."

"Hmm," I toy with my fork, "I’m hoping some kind of event to commemorate Xander’s memory is what they need to lower the barriers between them and talk."

"More like talk with their fists," she snorts. "Those brothers have been known to fight at the least provocation."

"Really?" I frown. "They always come across as so suave and sophisticated."

"It’s all a front." She shrugs. "When they were younger, they got into scraps all the time. It drove Nonna crazy."

"Nonna," I chuckle, "that woman is formidable. I guess she’d have to be to survive so long in this family of men, but still... I don’t know whether to be in awe of her or to hate her."

"The former." Cassandra reaches for her coffee. "You have her on your side and it will be easier to win over everyone else in the family."

"Not that I want to have anything to do with Michael’s father." I shiver. "That man gives me the creeps."

"The Don is dangerous," she admits, "but I don’t think you have anything to worry about from him. Michael will make sure that the Don keeps his distance."

"I sure hope so," I murmur, "especially since they are both coming to the Christmas party."

"You also need to reach out to Theresa."

"Xander’s friend?"

She nods, "If it’s an event to celebrate Xander’s life, it would be incomplete without her."

"Can you help me reach out to her?"