"I can take care of myself, Beauty," I press my lips to her forehead, "but your concern is much appreciated."

"Oh," she peers up at me, "so you're not pissed off that I made you lose face in front of everyone?"

"Maybe a little," I lie. "As you're aware, I don’t take kindly to being told what to do."

"Not even by your wife?" She flutters her eyelashes, still spiky from her tears, and my heart stutters.

I peer into her face, then half smile, "You're learning how to get your way with me, hmm?"

"Me?" she sniffles, "I'm doing no such thing," She snuggles into me, "I simply want to make sure that I am not treading on anyone's toes without realizing it."

I draw in a breath, "Nonna's been talking to you, I take it?"

"A little bit," she mutters. "She does have a point. I really don't want you to lose face because of me."

I notch my knuckles under her chin so she has no choice but to meet my gaze, "I'll never lose face because of you, Beauty. And you don't have to change yourself in order to be by my side..." I hesitate.

She frowns, "But? There is a but isn't there?"

"But, you still can't defy me—not in public, and not in private. I am not a man who can be ordered around."

"You don't say?" She widens her gaze, "I really hadn't noticed that about you, Capo."

I can't stop the chuckle that rumbles up my chest. I grasp the nape of her neck, bring my forehead to hers, "So damn sassy." I brush my nose against hers, then press a kiss to her mouth, before tucking her head under my chin.

She nestles against me, as I rub circles over her back.

Her body twitches, and I glance down to find her eyes shut. I hold her a little longer, until her breathing deepens. Then I place her onto the bed. I pull the sheets up and tuck them under her chin. I glance at the cat, who pads over and settles in beside her. "Keep watch over her," I murmur as I bend and kiss her forehead.

I straighten and watch her a few more seconds. I take in her now flushed features, those slightly parted rosebud lips, the slender length of her throat. When I leave, I know what I must do next.



A knock on the door wakes me up. I open my eyes and grimace. A dull headache knocks at my temples, and my eyes feel swollen. I turn over on my back, and glance around the shadowed room. The curtains have been drawn… and I normally leave them open before I go to bed. That way, I know approximately what time it is when I wake up. Which means someone else must have drawn them… Michael… He must have done it before leaving. Had he stayed last night? Had he watched me sleep? I remember clinging to him, asking him to stay and then I had started to cry, damn it. I had clung to him and wept, and he had drawn me close to him and held me, and then, I don’t remember anything. I must have fallen asleep in his arms. When had he left?

Next to me is Andy. He walks to the edge of the bed, jumps off, then pads over to the door. He turns to me, then glances back at the door. I swear, that cat can talk without saying a word. He’s way too smart for his own good.

The knock sounds again. I sit up, call out, "Come in."

Cassandra shoulders open the door and Andy darts to the side. She walks in holding a breakfast tray. Andy follows her. She places the tray on the table near the window, draws the curtains open. The sunlight streams in and I wince.

"Good morning," she choruses as she looks me up and down. "How do you feel today?"

"Sore," I cough, then throw my legs over the side of the bed. I stand up, and every muscle in my body feels like it has been put through the wringer.

Andy walks over purring loudly; he brushes against my calf. I glance down, remember I am still in my bra and panties. I glance around for a robe or something to cover myself with.

"Here," Cassandra hands me the robe she grabbed from the chair near the bed. Andy prances away as I walk slowly into the bathroom, feeling every bit of the hard fall I took when I was ejected from the car. To think, I could have very easily died… Like Xander… Poor Xander… Like my child.

A shudder grips me. I walk over to the sink in the bathroom and grip the edge, take in a deep breath. Another. I need to stop circling back to what happened. Need to somehow focus on the now, the present… On proving to my husband that I would be safest by his side. I open the faucet, hold my palms out under the flowing water. I splash the water onto my face, brush my teeth, comb my hair back. By the time I step out, I am feeling a little better… At least, more collected, at any rate. I walk over to the tray of food on the table and take a seat. Cassandra pours a mug of coffee for me.

"Why don’t you join me?" I ask.

She seems like she’s about to refuse and I shake my head, "Please, I insist. I really could do with some company right now."

She hesitates, then nods. Pouring herself a cup of coffee, she sits down opposite me. I reach for one of the plates that had covered the dishes. I turn it over, pile it with scrambled eggs, toast and bacon, and push it toward her.